My Lenco L75 build thread


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AVForums Veteran
Apr 11, 2010
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We have reached the point in my Lenco build where I can start providing some details, and start sharing some pictures.

The donor L75's are two units that I bought from Supergrand a few years ago. After not getting round to do these, I asked around for a few suggestions on who could do this. After a chat and a visit, I contracted Ghostinthemachine to do the build.

The basic design parameters was the following:

1. I wanted a table that could take two tonearms, with removable armboards so that I could change tonearms if needed.
2. Instead of the standard top plate, I wanted a stiffer plate, similar to a PTP plate.
3. The plate had to be done in hotrod candy apple red paint.

I delivered the baltic birch plywood that I had, along with the two Lenco's to Dewald (ghostinthemachine) for a detail design discussion. After asking around on the forum for tonearms and not getting any options, I decided to buy a new tonearm. A new IsoKinetic Silver Melody 12" arm was ordered. This is based on the Jelco SA-750LB, but with silver wiring and a low slung IsoKinetic counterweight. At this point the plan was to potentially use the Origin Live tonearm from my Rega P3 as a second arm, should the mood take me. A day after the tonearm order was placed, a forumite offered me an Audio Technica ATP-16T broadcast standard 12" tonearm, as well as a Benz Micro ACE SM cartridge, along with a step up transformer. I am acquiring these as a package, and thus a Lenco with two 12" tonearms was born.

As a second cartridge, I opted to buy a Denon DL-103R, for no other reason that since I now had a Benz Micro, I felt the urge to go for a Hi-Fi classic in the Denon.

Dewald designed the plinth to be big enough to take two 12" arms, so she is a bit of a biggie. Seeing as how the Lenco (for now dubbed Testarossa based on the red top plate) would not fit my Hi-Fi stand, we decided to design a custom stand for the Lenco and for the stand to house my other components as well.

The plinth is a constraint layer damped design, with a 4mm custom designed and laser cut aluminum sheet sandwiched between the birch ply layers. Dewald might also add a rubber sheet layer. We discussed building a slate plinth, but parked that as a separate project once my wallet has healed up.

The custom top plate was designed and laser cut from stainless steel. This plate is now off to an autobody shop to do the 7 layers of paint for the candy apple effect.

Based on the design and colour scheme, we'll end up coating the platter (horror of horrors to some) in black, maybe by powder coating it. Not done or decided yet.

To hide the gap that will now exist between the top plate and platter, we are now toying with the idea of doing some sort of brass ring or segments to visually add a different effect and hide the gap.

While one of the idler wheels is still in good nick, we decided to have new once machined and have it fitted with new rubber. If you need a new idler wheel, ping ghostinthemachine to add your name to the list for a new idler.

Dewald selected the best motor and bearing from the two Lenco's servicing and cleaning up these components. I might add an improved bearing at some point, but will use the standard items for now.

The birch plywood is now being laser cut to the design, so basic assembly could start from next week or so. I am still waiting to take delivery of all the arms and cartridges, the last of which should be here in no more than two weeks.

Finally, I'll probably end up with more than one phono stage. I am currently using a Crane Audio Blu MM phono, so might hook the SUT to that for a start. Looking into the possibility of a valve phono to add to the setup. My amp is a Valve Audio Exclame, driving a pair of Tannoy Saturn S10's. To do all the single ended input and output switching, I bought a couple of Rolls SS32 switches. I have an audio engineer friend who'll build me a better switching setup using high quality relays, for simple push button operation. Again, once my wallet has healed :)

As soon as I have some high res pictures of the components, I'll update the thread and add them.

Cannot wait to get this table, to run A to B to C comparisons between my pimped Rega P3 and the dual arm Lenco. Bought new vinyl for this job :) Ended up with brand a new Dire Straits box set, a Cream box set and a Jack White acoustic box set.

Fun times ahead!

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