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    • H
      handsome replied to the thread Quad 33 Disc Adapter Board.
      I would suggest using polystyrene caps as they are extremely stable (no capacitance variation with frequency) and available in 1%...
    • H
      Measure the voltages with globe in circuit and ascertain if digital circuits are getting the required voltage - if they are you can...
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread tube life.
      On and off is usually harder on the equipment. Valve heaters when cold, have a very low resistance, so at switch-on a larger than normal...
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread Remote volume control for tuner.
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread DIY isolation transformer.
      12VA / 220V = 55mA that is enough to stop your heart. They only way to stay safe when working on mains connected apparatus (valve or...
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread Filter network on cables.
      Ha - not going to ask what kind of music is noise! The filter aims to prevent interference from getting into the cable
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread Filter network on cables.
      Attempts to prevent interference getting into the cable and interference getting out of the cable.
    • H
      handsome replied to the thread Full sound at low volume.
      The above measurements show that the difference in sound is die to the listeners ears - which is exactly what the Fletcher-Munson curves...
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