Recent content by allan320


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    PS Audio

    Gerrie, if you’re getting the BHK at 50% it seems like a no-brainer to me! Even if you move it on there shouldn’t be too big a hit for you. And that ChatGPT input is amazing!!!
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    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    Please post a business address for a visit…
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    TT issue - Advice needed

    On the subject of stylus wear, can anyone please explain how a plastic record groove can wear out a diamond stylus? The jelly-like drum dampener is a great cleaner if you start with a fairly clean stylus and use it regularly, I am always a bit wary of brushing a stylus without damaging the...
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    triode/thermionic vacuum tube/valve shelf life?

    Now we are into questions on how hot and how long!!
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    triode/thermionic vacuum tube/valve shelf life?

    There are industry standard tests for valves and life. Any tech can do it for you with right equipment.
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    Valve Audio Predator - Repairs

    and your recommendation?
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    The Air Vivace speakers - new to South Africa

    Mmm, food for thought Werner. Thank you for the insight. What was the price mentioned???
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    The Whisky thread

    If there’s nothing left it can’t have been that bad! It’s true, especially of cask strength bottling, that a splash of water opens up a new level of experience, hence the saliva “trick”
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    So what’s the deal here!

    I'll second that comment, and the key phrase is "near-field" in Ryan's last paragraph. The Audiophiliac Steve Guttenberg has mentioned it a few times over the years and using the LS3/5A that way was its original design purpose. Expecting a room full of stereo image is a bit of a stretch when it...
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    What to do with lemons

    It’s surprising how many recipes say juice of 3 lemons! That can be anything between 150 ml and 300 ml! Generally I double the juice and halve the sugar, Then you know it’s LEMON curd
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    Audiolab 8200CD no power - please help

    The Yamaha guys in JNB are the agents, Michel di Mola is your man. They fixed several issues with my Audiolab including a firmware reflash after I bricked the device!
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    Low powered valve amplifier

    Great reading Guys, if anyone wants to discuss the purchase of my Decware SE84UFO or Unison Research Simply Two Anniversary Edition please PM me.
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    Estate agent commission?

    Negotiate your own deal, always. Some agents want to be paid for generating an “Offer to Purchase” only, regardless of whether it leads to a completed sale This is nonsense and must be avoided. In UK nobody gets paid until completion when you get the keys and the pal I am visiting currently will...
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    Decware SE84UFO in Wilderness.....

    After much heart searching my long-awaited Decware is moving on. A sweet voice but my speakers devour the first watt into the copper coils of the crossover, and I spend the listening session agonizing ”is it clipping or not?” The TANNOY sounded cr*p as well and not much louder even bridged in...
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    Decware SE84UFO in Wilderness.....

    Got it! If you can stay awake this helped me to understand!