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  • JoziNic
    JoziNic reacted to seanjammy's post in the thread Hi-Fi Mafia with Like Like.
    This is all beginning to smack of old-school apartheid era censorship and protectionism. As long as it’s legally procured, we are...
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic replied to the thread Hi-Fi Mafia.
    Backsies…backsies made my whole day. 🤣 thank you
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic reacted to fredeb's post in the thread Hi-Fi Mafia with Like Like.
    What are your thoughts on Mark Levinson's comment re price-fixing in High-end audio on the international scene , the topic of this thread .
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic replied to the thread Hi-Fi Mafia.
    If there was a hifi mafia…would Levinson not be the Don of dons? He is quoted in the article as saying “Today, what I feel is that the...
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic reacted to optimus's post in the thread Valve audio expertise required with Like Like.
    With a lack of options available to you in EL, i am certain the exclame purchase you enquired at 21k about might be a good start. It...
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic reacted to Tonteldoos's post in the thread Valve audio expertise required with Like Like.
    As an owner of an upgraded (to near-latest spec, with two balanced inputs) and modded (improved valves and caps) Predator, I am able to...
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic replied to the thread Valve audio expertise required.
    My predator is the farthest thing from lazy. This is a comment made by other people listening to my system. I went with a predator as...
  • JoziNic
    So the predator is new as are the speakers? Or the speakers you had in your system before and didn’t sound “boring” with your old pre/power?
  • JoziNic
    Interesting…what was the reason you decided to get the Predator to replace NAD216? What was the preamp? I’m certain that the amp will...
  • JoziNic
    JoziNic replied to the thread Martin Logan vs Dynaudio.
    OP, it seems like you are trying to find a way with many options to consider & potentially cause confusion or chatter within. Here are a...