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  • KenMasters
    I would argue what was the point of you including your bubbles bursting comment? It's frustrating for me because I am trying to approach...
  • KenMasters
    They were talking about the general futility of attempting to boost your way out of nulls, which is commonly and non-bubble burstingly...
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    Why do you always make these things about you and your system? "Extension" is relevant because that is what a subwoofer is meant to...
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    I can see how much it energises your room, you have substantial gain to the tune of 10dB in the 50-100Hz range. Personally that would be...
    • Bass Perfomance.png
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    For sure, I also see big gains in room gain and extension with my subs in my space as well, but I think Nirvana's comment was in...
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    You would think so. Perhaps there's a bit of a misunderstanding between amplitude, frequency and the purpose of a subwoofer, extension.
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters reacted to The kock's post in the thread Subs what is best? with Like Like.
    Thanks all for all the great input and “spirited” debate. Nice to see some alternatives
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    Manufacturer specs are one thing, in-room performance another - not that those specs negate the use case for a sub either.
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    I'm just saying bringing up your system is not a good example of not needing subs. Whether you know it or not, you are missing out on...
  • KenMasters
    KenMasters replied to the thread Subs what is best?.
    Respectfully Alleycat, your speakers start to drop off from 50Hz and are an example of a system that could do with subs.