Recent content by SeanS


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  1. SeanS

    What comes first - the source or the speaker?

    Sort of a contradiction to what I may have posted before... I luckily have a good version of all components, but had never tried the DAC in my WIIM pro. So I did, it was ouch.., soundstage collapsed, detail went missing, instruments went missing. If that was my starting point it may have lead...
  2. SeanS

    Members' Kit pics

    Ooh, can imagine stunning sound... center speaker is spoiling the look?
  3. SeanS

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    Moving away from discussing the best discounts, VAT & transport. Listening to the interview.. I reminisces about his youth, alludes to digital as a problem, and talks about reusing old tech, a bit of general ramble about macs and servers. Short interview perhaps commenting on a world changed...
  4. SeanS

    Who is using the hifi in the house?

    In the house I keep it simple, CDP, amp speakers, no remote, old school... my wife uses it as very accessible. We all enjoy the simplicity of CD. I also have a TT which is seldom used. My wife is quick to catch me out if I downgrade any in house components... so keep it consistent :), ears that...
  5. SeanS

    Whats on the TT...

    dribble drool at the TT :)... what are the amp/speakers in use.
  6. SeanS

    What comes first - the source or the speaker?

    I think it is not an answerable question. But if fear of where to start makes you buy a spread of mediocre kit none of which can really be improved on and all with mediocre resale value, that is worse than deciding and starting at the "wrong side" of the question. If you have a 4x4m closed room...
  7. SeanS

    Tidal’s AI 😝

    all I got was Susan Wong when searching Tidal... maybe expand on how you searched?
  8. SeanS

    Dont fall for this scam!

    Country of origin plus/minus approx., 25% movement is where I am willing to buy, and have bought many great products locally keeping within that from suppliers I trust 100%. Certain brands seem a no go.... saw some speakers at the audio expo, 5K us, 180K local. Speakers do not have iffy HDMI...
  9. SeanS

    Am I wasting amplification?

    great advice.. fewer better quality things win, throwing random quantity is not a solution.
  10. SeanS

    Valve Audio Predator - Speaker Pairing

    you need to consider the room, and be specific on what the the more you you are looking for is ... I have heard Sonor and Predator and I was mesmerized, if looking local you need to consider both options :), IMO they have different presentations and different people have different preferences.
  11. SeanS

    Can i bring a valve radio through Heathrow?

    in checked in luggage.. anything usually goes, hand luggage, maybe ask travel agent, I brought in some KT150 valves in hand luggage and they required some discussion. Although I have brought in many capacitors and inductors and they never raised an eyebrow, I was surprised.
  12. SeanS

    Geco SRPP+ pre Problem

    will open the lid tomorrow & see what I did & used :)
  13. SeanS

    Geco SRPP+ pre Problem

    those Mundorfs are nasty expensive... I went somewhere in-between when building mine. Unless you have the rest of the world really 110% dialed in I would not lose too much sleep. That volume control board has place to make an electronic volume control work, I added one to mine, nice to be able...
  14. SeanS

    New House Build - Listening Room Size & Tips

    I have a similar setup, dedicated office / listening space. I kept the wall Infront / behind the listening position windowless with windows on other walls, covered with thick curtains. This reduces light bleed onto TV & makes speaker placement more predictable & you are not always dodging...