Recent content by silversonic


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  1. silversonic


    Have listened to this very model of cable. It sings openly, and so very effortlessy.
  2. silversonic

    NAD 3020B Service

    PM sent. 📨
  3. silversonic


    Have no quibbles about Michael, have bought and sold to him. On two seperate occasions he has helped me with soldering, when just dropping by.
  4. silversonic

    Joke for the day

    No Chris, won't be able to mount any speakers inside those pancake flat doors. 🙃 Saw one with the pictured wheel cover in Andringa Street, Stellenbosch last week.
  5. silversonic

    Joke for the day

  6. silversonic

    High end Munich 2024

    Enjoy it, Chris! 😄 Know of a Somerset-West forum member who is currently attending. 🎧
  7. silversonic

    Repair Quad Electrostatic Loudspeakers

    Apolot, just a quick one here - is the above mentioned Gent also capable of working on Apogee ribbons please?
  8. silversonic

    Is it worth switching car tracker services?

    Do yourself a favour, check out for Anton Koen on YouTube, the only trusted anti-hijack in my opinion.
  9. silversonic

    Joke for the day

    A little silver-haired lady calls her neighbour and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started." Her neighbour asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The little silver haired lady says, "According to the...
  10. silversonic

    Property purchase. Advise needed please.

    Thank you all, appreciate everybody's input extremely. 🙏
  11. silversonic

    Property purchase. Advise needed please.

    Hello everyone. Would like some advice here please, so will jump right to it. Mom lives in a Sectional Title complex where there is adequate parking for all, and only 8 units have carports for which they are additionally levied monthly. - A carport owner say's his carport is for sale, so i...
  12. silversonic

    Joke for the day

  13. silversonic

    Joke for the day

    Three friends married women from different parts of the world. The first man married a Greek girl. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away. The second man...
  14. silversonic

    Nokia gems.

    This is fantastic information, thank you. 📞 Also fly MTN contractually now for around 10 years, though will certainly port across to Voda when expiry is due. * - thought it was my 8 year old handset giving trouble during shed times, really frustrating the connectivity - currently use a CAT...