Absolutely stoked at the craftsmanship of the termination and the sound of these babies to match my speaker cable … definitely a Revelation in sound … thanks Dayne and Harold 💪🏽
I completely agree on "pulling the plug" on the Equipment, sound advice. the grid isn't stable and there are surges every so often so some general protection would help in this regard, I think some insurances may have stipulations as to protection on the DB board as well and it is best advised...
What a great shortlist. Having owned Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 floorstanders their soundstage was holographic to describe but only when powered correctly did it truly sparkle … the Sonus Faber sound is something never fatiguing which I something I value highly, the detail was really good too and...
Depends on the power conditioners the guys are using … personally shuko is solid … not sure if guys are also keen on longer cables from the tv, which the other end won’t be the kettle plug variety, I think it’s called a figure 8 or something … I don’t mind trying one