I love the c2. Chroma 4:4:4 makes text easy to read. I agree the 42 would be perfect. Easier to find a desk arm etc. I placed mine on a stand off my desk. 90 cm is still a bit too close for me. I like the immersion. Anime is just fantasmagorical. I actually arc out my sevens i got from cinema...
I saw someone used these painting hanging velcro that is designed to be removed by pulling the tab. So velcro so knocked bookshelves don't fall like the prestik.
Was looking at the svs soundpath you recommended and saw isoacoustics gaia. Same idea. More expensive though. Squishy and screws in where any speaker has a nut for spikes
I see
I was looking at both extremes to try understand the end goal. To determine how to get there.
For example. The best speakers are hdf. Or marble. Not light boxes that resonate. Ok. So the point it to not move at all due to the diaphragm? Well. Yes. Because heavier or more dense cabinet...
Has anyone played around with spikes into a hard or soft surface vs
spike into a cup (like gorgeous audio stands, by far the most aesthetically pleasing) vs
Rubber like feet or pucks vs
A crazy rubber and spike combination?
I have read a bit. People seem to use the same words like isolate...
So I have seen a few guys like Jay's Iyagi etc who have mentioned isoacoustics. I see some are even in SA. Just curious if anyone has used them before?
The pucks on a sub or bookshelf or monitor?
The adjustable stand for bookshelves or monitors either on a table or stand?
Saw a video comparing...
I have the iq9 towers and they sound awesome. I have only heard the ls50 wireless to compare to. But that was a professional sound treated room. I think it is difficult. I don't think many bookshelves can beat out fkoor standing. But again everything is subjective
Has anyone tried or own 2 pairs of these or upgraded?
I have the Fives for my PC, I think the HDMI arc / ease of use and sound quality is awesome.
I see the sevens and nines are out, I have seen reviews and even 1 gent said the sevens are better than the nines.
I am just curious if anyone has...
I went a slightly different way for my PC setup. Hdmi 2.1 from gpu to screen. Then arc to klipsch fives in black with a sub out. Small 8inch jamo sub200 downfiring. Also black. This way I can also use the Bluetooth for ipad or phone etc.
Hay goldi. Saw the new center looking awesome.
My 2 cents are as follows
I used to have a small center. But apparently most of the sound comes from it. So. I dropped it. Until i can get 3 of the same. So i have 2 large floor standing kefs. I am very happy without a center.
But thats just me 😃...