Local vs international


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May 13, 2024
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I browsed the forums for some time now, went through related material, read the marketing, specs and other information i could gather.
My sound background is zero. No prior experience with sound. Never owned anything other than cheap pc speakers.
I am looking to purchase a full setup and due to the cost i am aiming at entry level equipment. I want to reach 7.1.4 for home theater.
Will settle for 5.1.4. Here is my dilemma which is a moral one and also a financial one.

R73k for the full Klipsch + Onkyo AVR build.
R65k for the full Bentley + Onkyo AVR build.

I want the Klipsch because of the color. Sure not the type of thing people look for in sound but for me it is. I mean... its shiny. They have also been around a long time.
From what i can tell it seems the Bentley is more value for money which counts in its favor, and its local... and i believe in supporting local people in reaching their dreams.
My concerns are, apart from sound is support and future repairs. Again, i never owned sound so i don't know how these things work. Lets say 4 years from now my speakers die. Warranty is expired. Can they be repaired? Is it more likely to repair a Klipsch than a Bentley?

Its a lot of money. So i need to be sure its the best possible option for the longest lifespan possible. I am poor. Also i owe the misses new wedding ring, so when i come home with these things they better make her forget i owe her a new wedding ring, they have to be that good.

My biggest concern with the Bentleys is the lack of media / social media coverage they have. There is very little out there about them. Its a chicken or egg scenario. The more people buy them, the more people talk about them, the more comfortable people are to buy them, the more people talk about them and around the loop goes.

This thread is not to tarnish reputations or things like that. Its legit very expensive purchase for me. And i need to be sure i get the best product, not just from a sound perspective, but from a security perspective for support if needed.

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