PM and non-response culture


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AVForums Super Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
May 10, 2015
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Here is a typical PM I receive weekly:

"Hi Sean,

I notice that you posted on Open Baffle speakers/Built Firstwatt Amps/Are selling a XYZ DAC.

What are your impressions/views/advice.

I have a boomy room/Valve Audio Predator/desire to get involved in DIY.

Would love to chat."

I will usually try and respond. Give some advice, offer a piece of equipment I may have for sale. But I can't help to think - WHY AREN'T THESE FORUM POSTS?

Perhaps more upsettingly, the vast majority of people either don't respond, or respond weeks/months later with an arbitrary platitude - adding nothing to the interaction.

There are no new problems under the sun, and by people making offline contact, the key benefit of the forum is being lost!

My message - try take it off PM. Post. You will get the benefit of many minds (not just my ADD-addled one), and although some opinions may be harsh, and some may be poorly informed (and some just a replica of Google), you will get more benefit - and you leave behind a valuable resource. If, for some weird reason, you feel it's appropriate to PM - please be polite enough to respond.

/rant over.

Have a nice day all.