Forum & Classifieds Rules


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
Rules and Posting Guidelines

Audio is our hobby and we all like to converse with like-minded enthusiasts. Respect other people's opinions and think before you type: do not say anything that you would not say in person. With that in mind, we have some simple rules that aim to keep an enjoyable experience and valuable to all.

1. No personal attacks. Audio is a subjective matter and causes for disagreement abound; intelligent discussion and arguments are welcome. What will not be tolerated however is any post that is in any way inflammatory, derogatory, or any remark that the moderators see as a personal attack on an individual.

2. There will be no racial, ethnic, gender-based insults or any other personal discrimination allowed. This will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate suspension.

3. Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users, or the moderation team, will be tolerated. It will lead to the immediate banning of the member.

4. We do not allow political or religious discussions on this forum.

5. Avatars must be in good taste. This means no vulgar/erotic/sexual/profane/discriminatory/political/racial or violent images.

6. User names may not be offensive and are subject to Admin approval and/or alteration after registration.

7. Links in your signature must be unobtrusive and can not use formatting so that attention is brought to them.

8. Member's display names can not be email addresses.

9. No adult or erotic or sexist content is allowed. No bad language/profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing these materials will be deleted. This is an audio forum. There are other avenues for your affliction. Not here.

10. Adhere to thread topics. (And, by the same token, post topics on the relevant boards.) Posting off-topic comments and steering the thread off course dilutes the value of the information therein. Off-topic posts, and even more importantly replies to off-topic posts, are welcome, but should also address the original thread topic. Threads will be split and/or moved at the moderators' discretion. Use the Open Talk forum for everything outside of audio/video.

11. When posting, please use proper grammar. Refrain from 'text-message' style substitutions of words like 'u' for 'you', and 'ur' for 'your'. This is a multi-national forum, and some of our non-English speaking members must use translation software which is confused by abbreviations. Most of our volunteer members are very busy helping as many people as they can, and a post that is hard to read will be deleted.

12. Avoid replies which add no new information to topics; move your private conversations offline by using the forum's private message system or e-mail.

13. No posting of safety endangering information without an accompanying safety-warning message that adequately explains the risks.

14. Registering multiple forum accounts by the same person is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.

15. Members with commercial interests in the audio/video industry should avoid excessive plugging of their products or services unless explicitly asked for. Feel free to respond to general requests for recommendations but do not routinely "spam" the forum with unsolicited offers, pricelists, or other similar information. Advertising may only appear on our site with prior permission from

16. You are not allowed to ask what the value of an item is, if you have less than 50 posts. It is seen as a way of circumventing the minimum post count rule for selling items.

17. Please ensure that images in signatures are smaller than 600 wide by 100 high.

18. If we believe a member is providing false information and/or arguing against credible and proven evidence, we will do all we can to courteously and politely educate said member. However, we will NOT allow that member to continue to post the false information and we will not allow an argument against credible evidence to continue. Continued persistence against such guidance will result in severe action being taken. The Audiophool drivel / Cable talk section is exempt from this rule.

19. We do encourage robust debate, but it should be understood that such debate should be conducted with generally accepted etiquette. We understand that not everyone can agree with each other, but that doesn't mean that courtesy and respect should be done away with. Treat other members the way you would like to be treated.

20. We can not emphasize enough the importance of keeping the bickering, arguing, flaming, bashing and other such nefarious activities at bay. Furthermore, provoking and eliciting threads, posts and links that may give rise to a potential conflict are also prohibited. This includes posting threads and content with the intent of 'Trolling' or 'Stirring the pot'.

21. No naming and shaming. If you and another member (or members) have issues with one another, DO NOT bring those issues to this forum. It will absolutely NOT be tolerated. Be it personal, or sales related, DO NOT post this in the forum. (Remember trading on the forum is done at your own risk) Bring these issues to the attention of the moderation team.

22. Under no circumstances is it permissible to discuss sites promoting or linking pirated content or to post links/ references to pirated content or illegal streaming services. Offenders will be permanently banned without warning.

23. We will ensure that the Moderator's and Administrator's behaviour are in line with the rules and to the benefit of the greater community. It should, however, be understood that decisions made by the moderation team are NOT UP FOR DEBATE ON THE OPEN FORUM. Should you disagree with a decision being made, you are welcome to PM any of the team to discuss this. Failure to abide by this will result in severe action being taken.

24. Posts may be deleted for any reason the forum administrators/moderators deem reasonable.

25. Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts or dealings with other members. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, its staff, its subsidiaries, or this forum's owner. You and any member you interact with or trade or deal with remain solely responsible for the content and actions including the results of your posted messages and or dealings or trade/s. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

26. When posting, or using this forum, you agree that the administrators and the moderators of this forum have the right to move, modify, delete, edit or close any topic, signature, avatar, account, or profile data at any time that they see fit. If you have any questions concerning this, please do not start a new thread, but private message an administrator or moderator. Starting a new thread on the forum will result in immediate banning.

27. Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.

28. Violation of any of these rules can lead to a banning of the user from our Web Site and a deletion of their account. The consequences will be determined by the moderation team on a case by case basis.

29. Any comments or complaints about moderator behaviour should be sent directly via email to [email protected].

Rules for classifieds:

New members are encouraged to participate in other areas of the forum so we get to know each other. The intention of the classifieds is to create an area for contributing and known members to sell their gear. Therefore we have a minimum post count rule for placing an advert.

30. You need a minimum post count (messages) of 50 before you can post an advert in the Classifieds section. Attempts to circumvent this rule by listing your kit elsewhere on the forum and asking what it may be worth are prohibited. Commercial members are exempt from this rule.

31. You are not allowed to ask what the value of an item is if you have less than the required minimum post count (messages) as it is seen as a way of circumventing the minimum post count rule.

32. Posting a Wanted advert does not require a minimum post count (messages). Please be very aware of the risks involved when dealing with people who you don't know responding to your wanted advert. Be very suspicious of anyone who replies to your wanted ad that has recently joined the forum, has not previously made any posts or has a very low post count, wants to quickly take the discussion off-forum via WhatsApp/email or similar and wants upfront payment via anonymous cash send/card-less withdrawal forms of payment. If someone replies to your wanted ad and is not a long-standing member it's highly advisable you proceed with extreme caution and only pay after viewing the goods in person. There has been a noticeable increase in scammers targeting wanted ads across many SA forums, be careful.

33. Should you want to trade or swap an item, it must be placed under the wanted section. Start your advert with the item you are looking for and then state what you are offering as a trade.

34. Adverts must have a price. No price and "What Offers?/Make an offer" type of wording is strictly prohibited.

35. Adverts must include your location.

36. Only advertise equipment in your possession. If you place an advert, (say for your work) you must take full responsibility for the item and sale. If you do not have the item with you, you are not allowed to advertise it.

37. Being responsible for the sale means the following at the very least. You are vouching for the item and sale. If anything goes wrong with the sale, the seller is responsible for everything, from successful delivery, condition of the equipment, the correct equipment being sold as per ad (model, variation, etc) Is the item working, what kind of guarantee, DOA, 7 days, etc. Misrepresentation, etc, Refunding of the funds. Storing of the goods for a reasonable time till collection. In other words, if anything goes wrong with the sale, it's your baby, the buck stops with you!

38. Do not place ads on behalf of other AVForums members who do not qualify - strictly forbidden.

39. Personal adverts only. This is not the place to advertise your business.

40. If you are a member of the trade, you are welcome to contact any of the Administrators in order to advertise your goods in the AV Items For Sale - New Items only - Commercial Members section. New items are only to be posted in this section. Nothing else.

41. Commercial members may post the launch of new products in the general section, provided the following criteria are met. The launch has to be a special event at a venue with an advertised time and place. Not just a new product added to the product range lineup. It must be a social event or happening that people can attend.

42. Please indicate clearly the full manufacturer + model name in the topic. If you can, include some specs in the message body - e.g. the number of channels, watts per channel, etc. Links to external pages containing specifications and/or reviews may also be useful.

43. You may not discuss pricing in other people's ads. If you want to negotiate (or point out errors) please use Personal Messages. Posts violating this rule will be deleted and repeat offenders will be banned.

44. No excessive bumping, you may post a reply once every 3 days. If you have something meaningful to add to the thread, add it, otherwise please do not add useless noise to the forum.

45. Feeler adverts are not allowed.

46. Please post a comment with feedback about buyers/sellers after you complete a deal. This helps future transactions by recognizing good traders. The ratings given are final and cannot be edited or removed. Else it defeats the object of the exercise of having a rating system. It serves as an unbiased system between the parties involved. The moderation team was not involved in the deal and cannot verify the facts. That is not the moderation team's function. The only time we would consider deleting or modifying a rating would be at the request of the person who left the rating, not the receiving party.

47. While AVForums does wish you the best of luck in trading, we can accept no responsibility if a deal goes sour for whatever reason. So please do watch out and don't part with your money or kit unless you're sure of what you're doing.

48. Posts in the classified section not conforming to the above rules may be deleted without contacting the original poster first. In addition, newly created user accounts may be locked for abusive behaviour.

49. Cellphone sales are not allowed on this forum for phones that are less than 2 years old.

50. Adverts must use the format below to advertise goods.

51. All adverts must have pictures of the actual item.

Format for adverts:
A.) The subject line must clearly state what you are selling and in this order. Start with the type of item you are selling (i.e. Speakers, or Complete system, or Amplifier, etc) Then the brand (i.e. Mission, or Sansui, or B&W, or DIY) Last, the model number (i.e. MX4 or AU-111) Example - Integrated amplifier: Nad 310

B.) In the body of your advert, the following must appear first.

C.) Description. Here you give more detail about what you are selling and anything else you would like to say about your item, specs, reviews, links, etc.

D.) Pictures of the actual item are compulsory.

For clarity's sake because we get a lot of adverts not conforming to the below:

Your advert must clearly state what you are selling in the Subject Topic, or it will be deleted without notice.
What are you selling? Speakers? Amplifier? Turntable? CD? ... etc... must be clearly stated in your sales heading or topic.
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