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    FdlSys - Sad news

    I was off air for early 2 months due to a protracted move into our retirement village and only heard now about Mike's passing. I met Mike a year ago when he revived my original Rega Planar 3 from a long slumber and wish I could do the same for him now....Al the tips and advice he gave - no...

    FdlSys - Sad news


    Audio Discourse - Is it Really all BS? Part 2

    Absolutely and Fully my seeing (and hearing!!) as well

    Audio Discourse - Is it Really all BS? Part 2

    There is another possibility: If you listen long enough and concentrate totally on what your listening to.....after a while YOU THINK that you may have heard some difference/ improvement?....but alas IT MEANS NOTHING TO ANYBODY EXCEPT YOU !! We come back every time to the same thing: If you are...

    A Bright Shining Lie… Why ignoring an inconvenient truth is stifling system performance.

    but we are not putting a man on the moon, and this field is not a scientific endeavour or challenge but a highly subjective one as to bring music in our lives in an enjoyable and meaningful manner).

    Pioneer Owner's Manuals required

    I tried at least 10 times over some weeks and since last year to get registered but the same message comes on: No new registrations possible "GO AND BLOW BUBBLES !!I wish I knew why they dont take away their registration portal

    The "Audiophile" Trap

    That is proof that beer is not only for quenching a thirst...

    The "Audiophile" Trap

    But you would not think of upgrading, I am sure ?

    The "Audiophile" Trap

    We forget one important fact: After the age of 35 or even earlier your hearing degrades very slowly and very unnoticeable. So when hitting 50 most of us would not be able do hear miniscule sound differences . This degradation affects the High Frequencies more than the low range. So, have your...
  10. OBELIX

    Help - Lightening Strike

    To fit a surge arresstor in the DB board might become quitre expensive because most electricians insist on proper Earthing and with thick braided coppercable over many meters down into earth is very expensive. It is cheaper to use the commercally available surge sockets (e. from Ellies) and...
  11. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Hi Rick if ever you come across Maxell Type II please let me know because I would like to buy 2 or 3 of them.
  12. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    1. To record music as compilation for later copying to MP3 (my hobby project) and 2. I absolutely love Tape decks and unfortunately reel to reel is to expensive. I trust this is sufficient (it is for me )
  13. OBELIX

    Head demagnetising in Cassette Decks

    I am out of cassette Tape enjoyment for the last 30 years and have recently started (for the last time) : Regarding Head demagnetising I heard that a 2-Head system DOES NOT NEED DE-MAGNIFICATION, since the same head record and plays back. TRUE ?????
  14. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Hi Marc I looked at their website and their prices are very bearable and not outlandish 9even when VAT is added -when converted into Rand. The only problem is the shipping cost which adds a heap to the final price (nearly double). I hear there is NO IMPORT DUTY ON BLANK TAPES. I have some...
  15. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Tough Love.......To be honest: we are moving house very soon and I put lots of stuff on Gumtree and FB Marketplace.. You know what?? I sold 95 % after 2-3 dayson FB BUT SILCH on Gumtree
  16. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Hi Marc Am sober again .....Thanks for the info about import duty for blanks
  17. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    M Thanks, my number is 083-four-five-two-six-six-six -2
  18. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Thanks a ton Baseline.....I googled the National Audio Company in USA and the prices in $$ do look good and even converted to Rand it looks reasonable. The only thing I dont know ist the IMPORT DUTY for Audio Cassettes... Any idea ?
  19. OBELIX

    Which Cassette Tape?

    Couls not react yesterday...Had my 80.Birthday with family and friends