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    Cleaning vinyl

    Very interesting - although I hate Chemistry since I was born... There is a cleaner called SUPER 10, earmarked for households for cleaning and disinfecting. It is environment friendly and comes as a concentrate and the manufactures recommend a dilution with water of 1:3 for heavily soiled items...

    Vertical Tracking Force Check

    Recently I let my VTF device - a Digital Display type) fall to the floor and was worried about possible effects on accuracy. Maybe it is fair knowledge but I feel to share a very simple manner with which you can determine the accuracy of your VTF device: A current South African 10c piece has...

    What Happpened To The Elusive Soundstage?

    It seems to me that the soundstage is a very elusive"thing". One could possibly compare it to the so called G-spot which is equally elusive and those who havn't experienced it don't really miss it and those who have are at least full of praise and excitement...

    Customs Duty

    Thanks David for the exhaustive reply. Just to make sure of one important point: Although items below a value of R500 are duty free VAT is still payable ?? So, the couriers swallowing the DUTY to speed things up actually avoid VAT as well ?

    Customs Duty

    What is the situation actually with CUSTOMS DUTY PAYABLE ???? It appears that even the smallest consignment from Overseas is held by Customs and they take their cut-even for items costing 15 Pounds or 15 Dollars--irrespective of what it is...... Do occasional imports by private persons are...

    Post Office-h/u on phishing scam

    I had a few of those mentioned messages with reference to "funny" URLs. The proper P.O. message tells you that an item has arrived at PostOffice............and an amount of payable in lieu of Customs Duty, if applicable.

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    Your set-up is bloody amazing. Getting flashbacks to 1965 when I enjoyed my 2 very short trains on a board 1.5 x 1m. ENJOY!!!!!!!

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    I used to pray for a bicycle, then I figured out how it works - I stole one and prayed for forgiveness... One can see you are a Veteran (with all respect): StealingBycicles was fashionable in the last Century..........This Century it is cars and other luxury items and will take lots and lots...

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    Of course my story of the girlfriend - maybe desirable - was not true. I just hope the ADMINISTRATORS don't call that LYING ???!!!
  10. OBELIX

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    Of course my story of the girlfriend - maybe desirable - was not true. 1. I am too old to have a girlfriend 2. I am happily married for the second time after my first wife's passing in 2012 Just to prevent the birth of a wrong opinion........
  11. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    I am using a NAD Amp - C352- with no SUB out BUT with 2 x Pre-Amps out (1 & 2). I decided to approach NAD Customer Service Center in Canada (I believe) and received the attached reply:
  12. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    I received a reply from NAD Customer Service re; SUB connection to a NAD C352. I don't se any reason WHY that should not be applicable to all other cases connecting a PRE AMP OUT to a single RCA equipped SUB.
  13. OBELIX

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    I don't think so...I am not seeing this girfriend anymore BECAUSE she had quite a few other suitors ...So, I am moreless anonymous .....
  14. OBELIX

    What you paid for AV Items vs What you told your Wife/GF/So you paid for it ?

    I told my wife that a girlfriend of mine bought it (or at least some items) fo r me. My wife just asked me whether I am still seeing the girlfriend and I replied : " NO. of course not..." Her reply was: That is o.k then.....Enjoy the HiFi....
  15. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    RIGHT !!!! Let's prepare the soft bed or the coffin and see whatv is what.....
  16. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    Hi Pieter and anybody else interested inthis thread......The guy in the US , a JON GOAD who I contacted does his cables wit 2x 480 Ohm resistors. I have ordered one of his RCA cable Y's and am excited that something which makes sense does exist and can't wait to put them to the test once...
  17. OBELIX

    Losing interest

    True as Bob .....Heavy Metal is nice occasiuonally for Excitement but not for relaxation
  18. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    Sorry I forgot to mention that I am a retired person (I live off my investmens & don't have additional income) and my first love is photography (also expenditurewise ) and then 2. Music-preferrably from Vinyl (which I left in 2012 and only recently took up again with limited financial resources...
  19. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    Many thanks for the other tips and comments. If this problem exists for a reasonable time WHY has nobody locally fabricated these cables ??
  20. OBELIX

    SUB to AMP connection

    Hi...Many thanks , that article and video hit the problem full on the head. As beggars can't be choosers , I put lots of trust in his article and ordered a Y-array (resistorized) with 3 male RCA's. The price was $38 plus shipping. I trust in the creator and the SUMMING cable.