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  1. slyr

    Nintendo, PS3, or Xbox?

    i have owned all 3 started with xbox arcade (red ring of death one) which died, then went ps3, hate the controller on it and hate that games had to load on the hardrive but loved that online gaming didnt require subscription, then got wii on special for the girlfriend, and what a waste that was...
  2. slyr

    Yamaha NS1000 - Why

    my girlfriends father has a pair of ns 1000's, and they are good, but tech has moved on abit. they are revealing and can really rock a house, but you can do better (mind you not for R4500, if they work). in the class of MA platinums or B&W 800 diamond series these babies are not, but they are...
  3. slyr

    Apart from Demo's and Samplers

    Lord of the rings!! pick one, any one, they are all incredibly well recorded and that music is amazing
  4. slyr

    that cant be right! can it?

    yip, started typing a comment going along the lines of saying that cant be right, wow, guess i dont need a pre amp just yet, can rather buy a better power amp,(use it in the above way) wait a month or 4 and then buy a really good pre.
  5. slyr

    that cant be right! can it?

    damn, now im really glad i didnt say anything would have looked like a right old idiot ;D much obliged
  6. slyr

    Cyrus amplifiers?

    some pretty large floor standers twin 10 inch bass drivers, custom builds as far as i know, but their max power rating is at 600 watts (who knows how true that is or even if it means anything) and their recommended power is 200 watts but they are pretty sensitive rated at 91db.
  7. slyr

    Cyrus amplifiers?

    that really sucks, kinda puts me off abit, i see you a major cyrus fan, any input as to whether the amps will handle a mean load or is it better to look else where. as far as i have read and heard they rated VERY conservatively which is the reason why ive started this thread, wanna know first...
  8. slyr

    Cyrus amplifiers?

    ive read a fair few reviews and i have a very strong hunch that they will be brilliant but i dont want to spend that amount on a amp only too realise it cant handle my speakers properly if that makes sense. i see the cyrus online shop doesnt ship outside the UK, and im pretty sure local...
  9. slyr

    Cyrus amplifiers?

    okay so recently my older brother got given a cyrus dac master that he handed to me which i used with my marantz cd 5003 and too my ears the music sounded more detailed and more relaxed in a way. i was wondering if anyone here has any experience with the cyrus amps cause if a who knows how old...
  10. slyr

    Quickest poll in history: Ban Ryan Nil?

    not sure about the rest of you, but i wouldnt threaten a "child" for acting like one, asking for phone numbers and contact details is abit much, if someone is being a idiot you dont need to tolerate it, but moving down to their level and wanting to intimidate them is not right IMHO it was abit...
  11. slyr


    check the connection at the receiver, it is possible that you connected them incorrectly there but correctly at the speaker end, not sure what cable you using but i know the stuff i used awhile back required some serious inspection to find out which cable was positive and which one was the...
  12. slyr

    a good laugh

    hey they used to have decent stuff, still had the monitor audios bronze series, yamaha (for a brief period) and wharfedales full range, plus they had marantz amps for like a month or two. as long as you know what all the sockets are for ;D and what you actually need then it was a bargain...
  13. slyr


    serious?! :o then i would def wanna bring in my own stuff, but arent there issues with importers who dont like being cut out of the loop? i know that our company has an agreement that prevents our suppliers from selling in our area, they must refer them to us so we can make a buck or two
  14. slyr


    amen boet, but then you might have to deal with our friends at customs who like putting their fingers in all your pies and taking a lekker fat slice
  15. slyr

    Joke for the day

    lol but sometimes beer is like a drip that keeps us sane ;)
  16. slyr

    what do you do for a living? Pics if you can?

    ekse engineer, ek vat die engine uit en ek sit hom neer :D really im just starting up in the building industry working for claims deartment boring as kak, but oh well
  17. slyr

    Crazy Ripoff Shenanigans

    glad im not the only one who checks these things the best ones are the ones who claim like 99% off because the retail is like R100k for a cheap cable and they offering it for like 200 bucks this = epic fail :D i wonder if anyone from wantitall checks the prices
  18. slyr


    umm from the looks of things i wouldnt call the buyer illogical, he relied on the price list given to him by the official importers, he then also compared them to the prices given by the previous (albeit kak official importer). i still have an old what hifi magazine that has hifi corporations...