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  1. GinoA

    Lost Cell Phone

    Hi Guys, I left home this morning, with my phone (HTC Desire HD) on the roof of the car, only realised this when I got close to work in CT, and staying in Somerset West, its quite a distance. As i stay in an estate, i phoned the estate manager to go around and have a look, but nothing. When i...
  2. GinoA

    Best price for a case of Windhoek draught

    Dronkie... ;D i believe that would be Midmar, special may be over tho
  3. GinoA

    Best price for a case of Windhoek draught

    Hi Guys Any truth in Johnnie Walker Green Label to discontinue?
  4. GinoA

    Matching front and center speakers

    Thanks Naughty, I have been saving, so in a few more months, this should be the next addition
  5. GinoA

    Matching front and center speakers

    wow, thanks for the lovely insight. As a junior, this would assist me greatly going forward. Fronts: Mission 737 Center: Mission M3C2i Surrounds: Mission M30i Sub: none Looking at the above, what subtle changes can I make to remove the incoherent sound that may exist? Thanks Gino
  6. GinoA

    moving to CT

    Yeah, tried the business express for a while, was greatly impressed by the service: morning cup of coffee, copy of the daily paper and train arrived and pulled up on time. But due to work hours, this was not sustainable. Big up to CCT/metrorail for implementing new public transport methods...
  7. GinoA

    moving to CT

    Somerset West area could be an option for you. Great country feel and commendable ammenities. Would be a problem if you work in CT, traffic consistency on the N2 rivals stability in the Gazza strip. I live there and travel to the V&A Waterfront daily, only issue is the commute, else everything...
  8. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Thanks Shonver and team Riaan from Resonant Frequency will be having a look at it, possibly this Friday Thanks again
  9. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Hi Guys im in Cape Town Thanks for the troubleshooting
  10. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    great, so im screwed! - any ideas on where/how to fix this? When i attempt to re-attached the magnet via the inner screws, it holds it perfectly in place, which concerns me as to how it came lose in the first place. Ive never opened any of the drivers before this. i re-tested with magnet in...
  11. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    The only reference to the model of the speaker is the front ensignia which says mission 737 - Yes, i removed the face plate and screws when investigating. When i removed the outer 4 screws, which tie the faceplate to the front of the speaker box, and lifted the tweeter, I saw the magnet was...
  12. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Thanks for the replies Ghost! Yes, the magnet has dropped off from the voice coil, I have tried to re-attach, but nothing. Yes I do have the faceplate of the tweeter. What are my next steps to try and fix this?
  13. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Are you referring to this? (marked in red circle), which has come lose from the magnet (arrow) I found the magnet detached from the dome when i opened it up
  14. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Hi, apologies, there is no sound coming from the tweeter
  15. GinoA

    Mission 737 - broken tweeter

    Hi, does anyone know if its possible to fix this? Would it be better to take it to a reliable shop or better to purchase the driver and replace it myself? Link to photos Thanks Gino
  16. GinoA

    Introductions Thread

    Morning all, just an update on my auditions so far regarding proposed HT speaker purchase: Due to current process of purchasing a house, ive been limited to audition time, so ive only been able to audition the following, according to my budget of R10 000: (some below are more than budget) B&W...
  17. GinoA

    Introductions Thread

    Hey Guys, thanks very much for the great advice and replies! I will definitely be keeping my stereo setup seperate from my HT, and will let you know what I decide. Guess I have a few more auditions to attend to get my comfortable sound! Cheers
  18. GinoA

    Introductions Thread

    Hi Everyone, Name's Gino and after almost 3 years since joining, this is my first post, so be gentle please. My first foray into audio came about 10 years ago, when i purchased a NAD 3020i stereo amp, NAD 502 CD player, I then followed it up with a classic/antique pair of Mission 737...