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  1. M

    Velodyne intergration

    Hi.Im currently running a very basic setup:Philips CD850 or Integra DX5500 thru Technics SU3400 and Yamaha m65 into Boland BTX 100B or B&W DM304. The bass is a bit "light" although soundstage and intergration good.I can get 2 Velodyne Impact 10s for a reasonable price in excellent condition and...
  2. M

    Introductions Thread

    Hi My first post but have read AVFORUMS every day for years. About myself:Avid collector of older gear for about 30+ years.Mechanical Engineer.Moved to New Zealand a few years ago and have started the collecting again.My latest aquisition is the Yamaha M65 Power Amp(going in for a full recap and...