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  1. Drukkie

    What options for blu-ray playback on HTPC?

    or just download the BR Rip....hahahahaha
  2. Drukkie

    What options for blu-ray playback on HTPC?

    Well I think the question is what software do you use on your HTPC? Media portal? XMBC? etc etc...
  3. Drukkie

    vinyl faire sunday 07 July 2013 - The Croc Inn

    Money flies here!! got some good vinyl!!
  4. Drukkie

    vinyl faire sunday 07 July 2013 - The Croc Inn

    Just click and follow :)
  5. Drukkie

    Vinyl Faire at the Croc Inn - Sunday 30th June 2013 X marks the spot :) Had fun yesterday....a slight hangover due to beer and listening to lots of new vinyl.... awesome!!!
  6. Drukkie

    Best software to clone XP to another laptop ?

    it's worth a go....just clone it and see....if you are lucky you will not get BSOD... after that it's free for all...
  7. Drukkie

    Home Media Server environment.

    a bit of an overkill? impressive equipment...I just think it will sit there idling though? Maybe gearing up for 4k?
  8. Drukkie

    150 LP's

    Would you be looking to sell some :)
  9. Drukkie

    Why is XBMC so slow on Apple TV2???

    so just downgrade....not sure why you need Lion? I'm running windows 7 with media's no updates... trust me...just easier that way...
  10. Drukkie

    Video Joining software

    2nd comment link to software....and gives a short description...
  11. Drukkie

    Galaxy trouble

    Also try photo calendar. .. once sorted it nicely put into calendar folders
  12. Drukkie

    How much power is the power amp pushing?

    depends on how drunk you are....that's when you blow speakers LOL
  13. Drukkie

    Record Shop

    WIll drop in next friday.....
  14. Drukkie

    New Thread

    I'm just post here to get my posts up hahahahahaha :flame:  :angrywife:  :whip:  :roll:  :oppo:  :stop:
  15. Drukkie

    How to: PVR - mobile media.

    I'd also like to know...From what I've read the macrovision is pretty uncrackable...
  16. Drukkie

    Galaxy trouble

    are you using the default viewer? try installing quickpic as mentioned earlier...
  17. Drukkie

    MWEB or Afrihost

    reset will not help....on what package are you? not the throttled one? then you are screwed....rather pay more for the upgrade... Also what are you downloading? torrents?
  18. Drukkie

    Ditching iBurst - but where to now?

    I Always say they they are all evil... get a prepaid....test it and see... never get a contract untill you have tested it for 3months + good luck! but yes....ADSL is the best in terms of reliability.
  19. Drukkie

    Vinyl Faire 28th April 2013 - The Croc Inn

    It looks like google maps is showing the wrong place.... I think this is it right...
  20. Drukkie

    Vinyl Faire 28th April 2013 - The Croc Inn

    Was referring to the one last week :)