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  1. Drukkie

    Was wondering what happened to this tech.

    I'd like to test one of these for sitting with the wife while she watches tv....LOL
  2. Drukkie

    CES 2013 - what to expect

    Can't wait for cars to come out with Pad docking stations!!!
  3. Drukkie

    need some help with my setup

    Sorry  :) sometimes thing make sense in your head but not what you are typing...LOL the sub has line a guy here at worked said I must investigate if they can't drive the base on the speakers? I must say for movies it sounds fine....but for music I think it can play better? i'm not a...
  4. Drukkie

    need some help with my setup

    Hi All....quite new here so this will be my first post here... :) So I bought this amp about a year or so ago.  Pionees vsx 520k it was running fine with my old Pioneer speakers. So Klyve - another forumite sold...
  5. Drukkie

    Apple fanbois rejoice, iTunes is in SA!

    But can you share your tracks :)
  6. Drukkie

    VELODYNE CHT-12R any good?

    Like saying toyota is bad cause there are so many on the 2nd hand market :) It's a good car...hence the 2nd hand value :)
  7. Drukkie

    HD PVR woes

    Don't get insurance :) Like het said...R500 and they replace matter what...mine got fried by lightning...