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  1. G

    XLR to RCA wiring?

    and since I am using a cable with 2 conductors and a shield I will connect as follows? pin 2 [ +] of the XLR to the RCA centre pin pin 1 [-] of the XLR to the RCA outer the braided shielding will be connected to pin 1 of the XLR and floated at the RCA side?
  2. G

    XLR to RCA wiring?

    here is a good reference.. so it looks like method 4 for me...
  3. G

    XLR to RCA wiring?

    Thanks for the reply :) It makes no diff to me losing the balanced out...I just need to up the gain into my single ended monoblocks and the gain can only be increased with jumpers on the XLR outputs of the DAC.
  4. G

    XLR to RCA wiring?

    My DAC\pre has both single ended RCA outputs and balanced XLR outputs. The gain is only adjustable on the XLR outputs though, not on the single ended outs....I need more gain since I play most of the music at nearly full volume on the DAC\pre I need to make up a set of male XLR to RCA cables...
  5. G

    Room Acoustics :(

    Yes it
  6. G

    This pretty much sums up audiophile mass hysteria...
  7. G

    Show your shots - Photography

    If you want some nude pics of your wife I can sell you some...
  8. G

    a veil has been lifted

    filled with oil?