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  1. arthurp

    Why can't we help ourselves?

    Ah yes, the term is audiophilia, closely related to a bunch of other philia's, none of them really pleasant, except Ophilia, but this is not the place to discuss her... There are a few cures (which really only cause remission) namely, marriage (WAF), being broke and being evicted for not paying...
  2. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    I agree with you - the mods talked me out of deleting my account soon after I joined here. But look around, the gang has arrived.
  3. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    There is a big difference between disagreeing and being disagreeable. Etiquette and rules of conduct exist to enable us all to get along - this is a basic of human conduct.
  4. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    A dire situation, indeed. I posted a Mentoring thread under Moderation, Feedback etc which postulates the possibility of flagging certain members as having to undergo modding before their posts become visible. We'll see..  very zennish.
  5. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    No, I haven't looked at all his posts, but it's not his posts which have concerned me, it's the lack of quality in some of those who responded to him. And I think it is a norm in forums for the mods to do any "butt kicking", not the members. A member usually reports a comment and requests mod...
  6. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    You know nothing about me, you don't know what business has taken me outside SA yet you presume to judge me? When I return in the near future then what weight do my comments carry? Do you think geography decreases validity? Do you think my temporary expat status diminishes my pride in my...
  7. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    Then I apologize to you, it was not your post but rather the long lengthy one about money and expensive kit all wrapped up in ego I was referring to; my memory is not clear and the original post has disappeared. Besides, I got the impression he (onyx) was grappling to understand what everyone...
  8. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    That's patronizing and unacceptable, exactly the points being raised here. Why? Do you imagine only geniuses by your standards are welcome here? I have said my say, this is a disappointment.
  9. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    Then why didn't everyone work at getting it back up the hill, instead of digging the ditch deeper? Besides, I disagree it was at the bottom of a ditch, it was a perfectly valid opening statement for good discussion. But never mind, this thread is going the same way and really, it should have...
  10. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    I couldn't agree more.
  11. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    Kent, I don't think this needs to be a public flagellation exercise, rather a self examination and keeping the foremost thought that the audience this forum reaches out to is way beyond the borders of our own existence and experience. I have found some really good stuff here, technically and...
  12. arthurp

    Forum standard.

    I agree the standards are poor here, and I don't envy the mods at all. The recent thread "Audiophile on the Cheap" is a prime example. And I didn't get to see all the posts before it was deleted or whatever. It embarrassed me badly as I currently live in Kenya and some friends asked me if that...
  13. arthurp

    Conscription: opinions please.

    I am glad to have read this thread. I did my conscription and then joined PF because I liked being a soldier - my family has a military history going back to the Vikings via Normandy - for some years and then I learned better is the best way to put it. I have a career which took me away from SA...
  14. arthurp

    Interconnects & Cables

    Hi Good one, but the ears always have it. Believe them  :) Regards
  15. arthurp

    HELP: Tried, tested & easy way to put LP to CD

    Hi He explains quite clearly that he uses 128k mp3 under certain conditions. The rest is highly informative. Regards
  16. arthurp

    Appeasing your other half (wife / girlfriend etc)

    It's a faint excuse.... or a cry for help :comfort:
  17. arthurp

    HELP: Tried, tested & easy way to put LP to CD

    Hi Found it, go here Regards
  18. arthurp

    Branded PC's

    Hi Agreed, absolutely. Plus, no one has mentioned the power supply from the wall; it surges and browns and causes more problems than you can shake a stick at. So, get a ups/filter. My non-branded self assembled machines run 24/7 and last more than 5 years; never switched off, only sleep...
  19. arthurp

    HELP: Tried, tested & easy way to put LP to CD

    Hi A few weeks back I found a site which I did not bookmark; plead temporary insanity here as I am struggling to find it now. Nevertheless, it compared the quality of processing and output signals from a number of software packages. All were reasonable, mostly, but Izotope RX2 was head and...
  20. arthurp

    Are there any women on this forum?

    Damn, and here's me hoping to find some vintage laden (Sansui, Pioneer, Sugden, Thorens etc) sexy tart, not too vintage herself...  :thumbs: Ah well, live and learn  :whistler: