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  1. arthurp

    Appeasing your other half (wife / girlfriend etc)

    Hi You're not suggesting that audiophiles are a bunch of wussies, are you? Or that they are dominated by the weaker sex, are you? Are you? ARE YOU? Muhahahahahaha....  :point: Regards
  2. arthurp

    Interconnects & Cables

    Hi The problem is that until there are definitive cable selection criteria (and indeed other areas of hifi, too) it will always be a swampy ground of opinion. And that in turn is a swampy ground of intolerance. Me, I go with what my ears can hear; the rest is hearsay  8). Regards
  3. arthurp


    Hi German hifi doesn't normally exaggerate (well, not too much in my experience) but it is always good to get an independent review, of course. I don't know those you mention but I have been pondering over these The...
  4. arthurp

    BRILLIANT IDEAS... AV on a budget, or not.

    Done that one before. You have to coat them very thickly with polyurethane or similar as they shed dust like you will not believe. Also, bricks with round holes and broomsticks and pine shelves (with drilled holes to match); very handy but still a brick dust issue, too.
  5. arthurp

    BRILLIANT IDEAS... AV on a budget, or not.

    Those clips are a splendid idea. No more crawling under the desk/table looking for the other end. Neat one.
  6. arthurp

    BRILLIANT IDEAS... AV on a budget, or not.

    Hi I think it is a good idea with application depending on type of movie and gender-based distribution of audience... Umm, blush, I think...  Regards
  7. arthurp

    Members' Kit pics

    Hi This is currently in storage; hopefully we will re-unite early 2013. From L to R and Top to Bottom (audio kit only): Sansui AU6900: headphone listening at night Thorens TD125 with SME3009 & Ortofon MC1 Turbo: primary source...
  8. arthurp

    How much do different components contribute to sound?

    Hi Ah yes, then may as well go for 7 channel...  :drool: Regards
  9. arthurp

    Interconnects & Cables

    Hi It did, didn't it? Cables of all types seem to be about the most contentious issue in hifi circles. I think once one goes past a certain level of cable (mains type in my case on loudspeakers) then it becomes perception. I just don't hear/perceive a difference past that point. Others, of...
  10. arthurp

    How much do different components contribute to sound?

    Hi In my experience it goes like this: 1st - the sound quality depends on the room AND the kit you use (it's a synergistic system thing). then - you will improve the room shortcomings and things will sound different/maybe better or - you will change a piece of kit and things will sound...
  11. arthurp

    Introductions Thread

    HI Name is Arthur, Business Systems consultant, currently living in Nairobi. Gear is in storage but main items are: - Angstrom 200 - Technics SE A3 - Thorens TD 125 & SME & Ortofon - Martin Logan Aerius - PC with Soundblaster Live USB Expect to get it out next year.