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  1. subways81

    No STR-DN1040, No Integra 30.5, what to do, under R10k??

    Changing the fronts to small and setting 100hz crossover on the 923 has made a world of difference. So far I've only tested with a dolby 5.1 encoding, dts 5.1 is lined up next and I think it's going to be awesome. All audio settings on auto and im shocked by how good the dolby encoding sounds.
  2. subways81

    Surrounds without Tweeters

    Hi Forum, I butchered the tweeters from my Atlantic 100's to repair my Atlantic 400's. Can I still use them, without the tweeters, as my surround speakers? They have quite small drivers (4" or so) so im hoping they will still be able to produce highs high enough to suffice. Cheers for any...
  3. subways81

    No STR-DN1040, No Integra 30.5, what to do, under R10k??

    Right, so the VSX923 is in and configured. So far im quite impressed. The remote is god awful, im not sure what they were thinking, luckily the Adroid App (icontrolAV 2013) is great, I used the amps remote to run MCACC in the beginning and havent touched it since then. As for sound, im still...
  4. subways81

    No STR-DN1040, No Integra 30.5, what to do, under R10k??

    I caved and ordered the VSX 923. Bit worrying because of all the "issues" I've read about, but still, most review sites seem to rate it as decent. Can't wait for it to get here, been too long since I've had something new to play with.
  5. subways81

    Your rig

    HP N40L running xbmx 13 with 5TB for the lounge tv general giver of content, 2 pi's in the bedrooms, and a i7-3570k, 8GB ram, 256gb ocz vertix 4, Asus 7970 something something, it used to play games now just does work :( favorite tech is my 2 Unifi APs. Wifi as it should be :)
  6. subways81

    No STR-DN1040, No Integra 30.5, what to do, under R10k??

    So, the Sony STR-DN1040 is no more, and the 1050 seems to be no where in sight. I then discovered the Integra 30.5 which seemed like a good bet but it seems thats not available here either. Any other suggestions for another awesome AVR under the R10k mark?
  7. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    Not at the distributor level at least. Not sure if there's any resellers out there that have stock. If there are, I can't find them.
  8. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    Aaaaghhh!!! So peed off I missed the 1040!!
  9. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    I hope news of the 1050 comes soon, sony listed the 1040 as eol and specified no replacement... eish.
  10. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    I'm not sure, i'm in tweni, 120km south of durbs and don't go north too often. Naa, I think best plan is to save up and keep watching the traders fair and 2nds market here. I've seen some great deals come and go, just need to up the budget. At least the at100s I have and AT centre work well...
  11. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    I can't find the tweeters, and tweeters that will fit with little modification will cost me around a grand, plus then I need new speaker surrounds. So all in all its going to cost quite a bit to fix speakers that aren't really that good to begin with. If the AT400'S I saw today were in good nick...
  12. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    Good advice I think, thanks. I guess I'll just save up and get a decent set of speakers when I can.
  13. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    The AT400'S I mentioned in my previous post are very different to the ones i have at home, they are not bi - amp able and the woofers have a domed dust cap where my woofers dust caps kinda went in with the speakers. Also the 2 woofer drivers on one of the speakers have small cracks in the...
  14. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    Spoke to sony again and they reckon that the 1050 will come in at the same price or a couple 100 more then the 1040. I hope this is true.
  15. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    I have and it's terrible. Holding thumbs that back orders will be honored.
  16. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    Hopefully at the same price...
  17. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    Found a pair of AT 400'S gonna pick them up next week. Now just holding thumbs my str-dn1040 back order comes through...
  18. subways81

    Speaker Advice please

    Thanks a bunch Fredeb  :thumbs: From what im seeing, I can pick up second hand AT100's or even Diamond 9's for about R1000. That way I could butcher the tweeters that I need and have some mids spare for about the same price as 2 new tweeters. Might even attempt to add a 3rd mid to my AT400's ...
  19. subways81

    Speaker Advice please Could anybody advise if I could use these tweeters? They are rated at 4ohm and my AT400's are rated 6ohm, not sure if thats an issue. This is the only tweeter I can find that looks...
  20. subways81

    Sony STR-DN1040

    Just got an email from Sony saying they aren't sending anymore 1040's to SA. I hope they are fulling back orders tho :(