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  1. Mike B

    Durban Members

    Thank you to everyone for coming to a very enjoyable afternoon. Loved it!!
  2. Mike B

    Please Help - Stolen from The Listening Room

    Thank you. Holding thumbs!!!
  3. Mike B

    Please Help - Stolen from The Listening Room

    The following items have been stolen after a brazen break in at The Listening Room in Durban on 12/12/16.... Wyred4Sound Music Server and 4 x Wyred4sound Remotes Quicksilver phonostage Quicksilver linestage preamp Sugden A21SE integrated Amplifier Sugden Fusion 21 CD player Sugden CD21SE CD...
  4. Mike B

    Durban Members

    A great day, and many thanks to Clive and his very accommodating family for hosting, Raymond for initiating and Audico for sponsoring the day. The Sugden amp is a true gem. I'm not going to offer an opinion on the loudspeakers by virtue of my obvious vested interest. The Sugden A21SE amp was...
  5. Mike B

    Valve AMP advice

    It is in all likelihood fine. Many a Stingray does. Not with the EL84 but with the 12AT7 it's usually normal. If you want to have it checked out take it to Rodney or Craig at The Listening Room in Cape Town.
  6. Mike B

    The Listening Room DBN - brilliant service

    Oh Wow and thank you guys for the positive feedback. It's easy to get things wrong and sometimes we do but we try hard to get things right. It's all about the music and the people interested in the best reproduction of the music.. Anybody is welcome to come for coffee and a chat even if you just...
  7. Mike B

    Ten biggest lies in audio

    Eish it's not with me that you disagree. You disagree with textbook science. At a molecular level two cables can (almost) never be identical. If they are not the same they cannot theoretically "sound" the same. This effectively puts to bed the question of cables conducting electrical signals in...
  8. Mike B

    Ten biggest lies in audio

    Ampdog may I suggest you read my two cents worth again. I think you misunderstood. I'm not entering into a discussion of whether humans can or can't hear differences in cable sound, only that it is scientific fact that these differences do in fact exist. Whether we can actually hear them...
  9. Mike B

    Ten biggest lies in audio

    .....the problem is "sounds different" does not mean "sounds better", so yes inexpensive cables may well sound better than expensive ones to a particular listener in a particular audio system. Buy what you like not what you read.
  10. Mike B

    Ten biggest lies in audio

    Even "identical" cables (not theoretically identical, but real world manufacturing "identical") will "sound" different given an audio system with enough resolution. This is simply factual common sense. (Just as two "identical" motor cars will perform differently...however slight; measurably so...
  11. Mike B

    What to look for in a new valve amplifier?

    Curleycat - I have quite a few tube amps that may be of interest to you.
  12. Mike B

    CD Degradation

    Well cd already has a head start in degradation just by virtue of its format.
  13. Mike B

    Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

  14. Mike B

    Terminating speaker cable - avoid using solder??

    Silver Audio's philosophy....
  15. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    They are excellent. There is an intermittent issue with the mid bass. It seems to present itself at certain frequencies. I will have it running properly in a couple of weeks.
  16. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    WaterHond - I have a used pair 3A Signature (used) with a troublesome mid driver. I am ordering a new one and then if you want we can come to some arrangement.
  17. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Oh yes Dean. Not going to argue about looks, although I did have an interior designer specify a pair in a minimalist very modern home and they were quite striking....and yes the Vandy plays well with average type electronics but sings sublimely on really good stuff. Just sold a pair 1Cs with...
  18. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Andile I certainly will do. :-)
  19. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Dean I would be very surprised if you compared them side by side. The Vandy has better bass, more detail, more open and is simply a better loudspeaker.
  20. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Hello Andile.....sadly I finally sold them for around R7k. Pity because we sold quite a few pairs of 1Cs whilst they hung around in the shop off the back of one on one demos. I think they were sold to someone in Gauteng. We have a pair of B&W 685 (I think they're 685s if I remember correctly)...