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  1. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    There was never an expectation of a definitive answer. "What do you guys think...?" I guess requires an opinion and not really a definitive answer. Whilst I accept and respect different tastes I battle to reconcile this with "amusical" sound which bleaches every ounce of expression from the...
  2. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    To my ears music and hi fi  are often at opposite ends of an aural struggle. A struggle between a conglomeration of varying species of hi if equipment and the simplicity of enjoyable music. So often I have heard some mega expensive sound systems producing sounds so foreign to music that the only...
  3. Mike B

    What Amp? Need 300w into 4Ohm

    I wouldn't think a quality 300 watt amplifier at under R5k exists......even used. If your loudspeakers are that difficult to drive why not get a new pair of easy to drive loudspeakers.
  4. Mike B

    The first what?

    Mistro you need to how to use the camera or amplifier not how it is made up. The analogy is valid.
  5. Mike B

    The first what?

    It's degrees of knowledge but the argument remains for all equipment.  I take stunning pics with my SLR camera and I haven't even read the manual yet!!
  6. Mike B

    The first what?

    fdlsys Oh please be my interpreter. You are spot on!
  7. Mike B

    The first what?

    Little Johnny. Try plugging your 3 watt high output impedance Preamp into you low input impedance power amp and hook up your 81dB sensitivity loudspeakers and see how far that gets you!
  8. Mike B

    The first what?

    To get good. Sound you need to know how to use an amplifier properly too.
  9. Mike B

    The first what?

    WaterHond I am afraid I think you still misunderstand. Of course my technical disinterest in the scientific side does not alter science's relevance to amplifier designer. That is not my argument. My argument is simply need to know as much about camera design to recognise a badly...
  10. Mike B

    The first what?

    Friskier - The little Manley Stingray is a wonderful amplifier.....but of course, as Kent said, not with every loudspeaker. Try driving the Quad '57 and you will see this little amp make music.
  11. Mike B

    The first what?

    Ampdog - perhaps you misunderstood. I did not say measurements are not important for scientists and I don't say they are irrelevant to us but what I do say is that they are unnecessary to prove an amplifier sounds bad. What we need for this is ears! The measuring guys can then find all the...
  12. Mike B

    The first what?

    Who said the "robot" would be built without engineering? On another note and sidetracking slightly..... What fascinates me is how we trust our eyes but not our ears. The first 1 megapixel cameras were dreadful. Nobody had to measure, quantify, analyse and report on a huge amount of measured...
  13. Mike B

    The first what?

    An analogy and hypothetical scenario........ A robot is designed and built to emulate a human being running the 100m sprint. It does it in 47 seconds. Do we construct a whole bunch of equipment to examine and analyse it's performance. Or do we just watch the damn thing run with our human eyes...
  14. Mike B

    The first what?

    Aaah yes, ok Kent. A lovely amp, same design as the 1040 but a little more power. Worth a modest sum of money but huge value in terms of sound quality. .....and as I said it will drive Quad '57 very nicely too....and that says a lot about it. It will show most modern "popular" integrate Amps a...
  15. Mike B

    The first what?

    Kent - that little Marantz as your Avatar is great - 1040?? 20 watts per channel and it will drive Quad '57 electrostatics!!
  16. Mike B

    The first what?

    Hello Kant. No I wasn't but yes they do make one superb little 50 watt integrated at a smidgen under R20k but there others also. Cheaper than the Sugden too. They are there but not that many at all. ....and the little Sugden Mystro 50 watter at slightly under R20k is about to be discontinued so...
  17. Mike B

    The first what?

    Sorry Naughty - the above post by me us said with a smile  :angel:
  18. Mike B

    The first what?

    Eish Naughty.....not only are you naughty you also can't read! MOST sub R20k integrated amplifiers sound dreadful. Most, most, most, most! Sugden Mystro is sub R20k- we sell it and it's superb. Sorry for the marketing thing. There are others too but MOST are kak!
  19. Mike B

    The first what?

    Hi WaterHond. No! I meant integrated amplifier. Almost all stereo integrated amplifiers sub-R20k sound like a box of bull frogs.
  20. Mike B

    The first what?

    Hi WaterHond, "My advise is if you are on a budget of around R20k stay away from the vile home theatre things and get a decent properly designed and built little stereo integrated amplifier." Not sure where the contradiction is but what I'm getting at is to buy a little 50 watt nicely built...