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  1. M

    Car Audio Advice Needed.

    Yes, for an SQ setup it should work well.
  2. M

    BREAKING: Leaked Gupta emails expose Zuma

    Its all good and well that these exposing letters have come to light, but will the ANC really kick him out as president. I wish they would boot this  :cr@p: president of ours out
  3. M

    Eft from buyer

    Yup, well Capitec is voted as the best bank worldwide for a reason
  4. M

    Hostage Situation

    Here's the live footage, hope it works
  5. M

    Hostage Situation

    This had me in stitches
  6. M

    Eft from buyer

    If the funds are available then you should be fine
  7. M

    Now Playing...

    Guns n Roses Greatest Hits