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  1. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Flutter Same as me, but I have the 10.6 fronts. Are you running a sub with that?
  2. Juanec

    Centre selection

    So, top of the tv, lets say on a floating shelf (open all the way around) should do the trick. The distance between floor stander tweeters and centre will be 400mm, which is quite a bit, but less than what it would be underneath the LCD(to get it centre would be right in the middle of the LCD)...
  3. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Now the other question. Should I mount it on top of the tv or modify the plasma unit to fit it at the bottom. I read somewhere that the height of the tweeter/speaker should be as close as possible to the heigt of the floor stander's tweeters.
  4. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Well the 10 cs is the biggest I can buy from the diamond range.
  5. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Thanks Atjan I have the 10.6's and their freq fb is 38hz. 55hz is still a far way off, but much closer than the 70hz of the 10cc and 10mc. So it should sound better.Picking the 10cs up on Thursday.
  6. Juanec

    Centre selection

    So from what I have gathered, th freq fb is the frequency the enclosure is tuned at. But is higher or lower better for a centre? :help:
  7. Juanec

    Centre selection

    This is exactly what I thought as well. That is why I would LOVE to have the 10 cm centre, it has the same 165mm dirvers as my 10.6 Floor standers. The 10cs I am buying has 125mm drivers, and my current one, the10cc only has 100mm drivers. The one thing I have noted, and please help me on this...
  8. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Thanx Timbaland, thats what I am expecting as well. I have to modify my plasma unit or mount it on top of the LCD. Would it matter if it is under or on top of the TV?
  9. Juanec

    Centre selection

    I think I am going to buy the 10cs, put it through it's paces, and keep the one that performs the best.
  10. Juanec

    Centre selection

    I dont know anyone with this specific centre, will try though.
  11. Juanec

    Centre selection

    Hi guys I am thinking of changing my current Wharfedale 10cc centre with the 10cs. Major differences are the 10mm vs 125mm drivers, and of course a larger shaped vs smaller enclosure. I know the centre is almost the heart of the home theatre, as it plays 80% of the time, but I was wondering if...
  12. Juanec

    OnedayOnly: Scandyna offers

    Worth buying the sub at 1999?
  13. Juanec

    Dumbass question from car audio ignoramus - alternator whine supression

    There is a very good chance that it is the amp earth. Try to keep it as short as possible, and on the body, not the battery, try this before stripping everything. 9 out of 10 times its an earthing problem.
  14. Juanec

    Wharfedale Diamond vs Obsidian

    Actually I am quite happy with the Diamond setup, but you know how it works, seen something new, and the gears starts turning...... Currently I never push the volume to more than half way. Does a bigger amp make a difference at low volume as well?
  15. Juanec

    Wharfedale Diamond vs Obsidian

    Thanx cj. I am guessing thet the Diamonds would work better on my small Marantz (50x5) than the Obsidians
  16. Juanec

    Wharfedale Diamond vs Obsidian

    I own a set of 10.6 fronts, 10.1 rear, and 10cc centre with 10mx sub. Picked up a set of the Obsidians for a friend today, and was suprised at the floorstanders and centre. He hasn't connected yet, but looks very good for the price. If I am not mistaken, the 10.6 shares duties on the mid...
  17. Juanec

    Wharfedale Diamond vs Obsidian

    Hi all I was wondering if anyone has had a listen to the Obsidian cinema pack. How do the stack up to the Diamond range? Mostly going to be used for HT.
  18. Juanec

    Logitech Harmony

    Well, I picked the 650 up from SAPO today....... Couldnt wait to set it up.........took about half an hour........and its brilliant! does exactly what I wanted. Money well spent!
  19. Juanec

    Logitech Harmony

    Thanks for all the info guys! Is there any other remote that can do what the harmony does? Mine is already on its way, but I couldnt find any other brand that does the same.
  20. Juanec

    Logitech Harmony

    Our local IC also has the 300 and 300i, But I need the function buttons on the remote(to switch all units on/off when you watch movies, musec etc.....), and the 300 only has 1 function button, so still going to sit with 4 remotes.