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  1. P

    News Media

    BusinessTech mostly, but yes - they rehash so many things and give essentially the same article a different heading and publish it. But I am still not willing to pay for my news just yet.
  2. P

    What was your first Hifi and where did you buy it ?

    Technics DV250 if I look at the site - still working quite well at my parents house.  My father bought it for me close to the turn of the century.  My cousin and I wanted to become DJs (was in high school at the time and with this it seemed possible). Listened mostly to the popular music at the...
  3. P

    When did you join?

    March 2018 I bought something from Carbonite and he referred me to this site for AV related things
  4. P

    Atmos enabled speakers worth it?

    Thanks for that. Regular ceiling height being about 2.4-2.5 meters? I think I should just measure up my room in any case.  If it is higher, Audyssey sorts it out (I assume)?
  5. P

    Atmos enabled speakers worth it?

    You have a pm for the demo.  On your recommendation for in/on ceiling, does the ceiling height not matter at all? Or does audyssey/AccuEQ etc also calibrate it for you?
  6. P

    Atmos enabled speakers worth it?

    Thanks for this thread. I wanted to revive the Atmos thread from earlier this month to ask this.  I see people seem to be leaning towards the in-ceiling solution. I currently have 5.1 and wondering if I should go 5.1.2 as I think my room is small enough, but if you go 5.1.4 then the speaker...
  7. P

    Driver's licence renewal - for Gauteng'ers

    The appointments are not loaded at the same time.  You have to look from 7:45 onwards till someone loads it from the licensing center.  I had to refresh a few times till I got my appointment at the beginning of this month.  Also the appointments also gets taken quite quickly, so it might be out...
  8. P

    Power Cable discussions are boring, so why not tell us what you really think?

    Of course wires make a difference.  But to make a large enough difference to have an effect on the sound.  I would say most likely no.  Your wiring in your house is probably of worse "quality".  The supply you get from Eskom also probably has a bigger effect.  And we really can seem to see that...
  9. P

    South Africa?s compulsory new electric plug

    I guess that all depends on how many sockets you have on there. But even then it wont be 4x16A.  The largest one in my DB is 25A except for the mains
  10. P

    South Africa?s compulsory new electric plug

    If you look on your db you will see that most of it will trip at 10 or 15 amps for the plugs.  So the switch won't really handle 4x16A
  11. P

    South Africa?s compulsory new electric plug

    The ones I put in was only one live, earth and neutral so single pole.  The standard is only rated for 16Amps, so I guess they will all be single?
  12. P

    South Africa?s compulsory new electric plug

    I am also starting to see them more and more, but  I think it will be a while till it hits critical mass where our  earthed plugs will switch over to the new standard.
  13. P

    South Africa?s compulsory new electric plug

    I had to replace my outlets because it was already worn when I bought  my place a few years back.  I already then replaced my outlets with these.  At my entertainment area I used the 6 plug socket and it really works well and looks neater as well.  Replacing my sockets to the new type and...
  14. P

    Bookshelfs vs floorstander

    When I got talked into buying my speakers, the guy I was buying from let me listen to the floorstander, bookshelf and center of the specific range seperately.  The floorstanders sounded nicer, but then again there were extra speakers in the floorstander.  I then later got the bookshelves for my...
  15. P

    This is why South Africans are closing their bank accounts? and where they?re go

    UK's inflation rate is between 0 and 3% ours is between 4-8% so 6-7% would be our average inflation rate where theirs would be 1.5%. Also they are wealthier than us and the no fees would have a much greater impact on our society than the small amount of people that are actually saving money in...
  16. P

    Distance learning Institution

    I am currently doing my second degree through Unisa.  What I pay vs what I paid at one of the traditional varsity's is a day and night difference.  It helps that I live in Gauteng, because I could sort of a registration issue quite quickly, that I think if I stayed elsewhere would have been a...
  17. P

    Maths problem

    No it is part of the BODMAS part, something that you do before you get to DM which has the same preference.  But it all comes down to a badly written question. Edit: Let me put it another way- 5/5^2 5^2 = 5X5  but you evaluate this implicit multiplication first in the top scenario
  18. P

    Siemens Coffee Machine

    I have the Siemens EQ7 Plus at home and use a Jura(can't remember the model) at work.  The Siemens compares well, although to get my cleaning tablets is a bit of a schlep
  19. P

    Maths problem

    BODMAS or BOMDAS doesn't matter - it evaluates to the same thing. Multiplication and Division have the same precedence.  Here though the term that is confusing people touches the bracket, so it is not an multiplication action, it is part of the order of the bracket term.  So anything in the...
  20. P

    MA Bronze 2 for home theatre?

    I use my B2's as rears and they are work quite well.  The guy I bought them from (here on the forum) used it as his mains on his second systemn and when he demo'd it, it sounded quite impressive.  I have an old Denon AVR.  I also use the Bronze sub currently.