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  1. jrrd_sti

    Rant - Distributors

    Typical local distributors, i experience the same service from a very HIGH END distributor in Cape Town.... Useless... I personally think Cape Town has the worst service.
  2. jrrd_sti

    Speaker break in: fact or myth

    After about 30 Hours "break in" my Denon Heos 7 sounded alot warmer lol :groovy:
  3. jrrd_sti

    XMBC/Amilight system?
  4. jrrd_sti

    Neatest, Easiest & Best way to run speakers cables

    Thanks for all the advice, the Builders W solution sounds good (if i can find it) as well as the Security glue option. Yes its for the rear HT speakers, Boston soundware XS 5.1 speakers, the cables are quite thick (Monster) but im sure the security glue will hold it.
  5. jrrd_sti

    Neatest, Easiest & Best way to run speakers cables

    Hi What is the best (neatest & easiest) way to run speaker cables? Glue gun doesnt last at all lol, poly saddles look ugly, square conduiting is a mission to get perfect in the corners  :vsad: I cant run it through the ceiling as its flatlet with no ceiling to work in. Thanks
  6. jrrd_sti

    Quad Industrial

    Awesome. Thanks for the response. Their prices arent bad at all, JBL is insanely overpriced, as well as Bose and the sound is nothing to go gaga over. :roll:
  7. jrrd_sti

    Quad Industrial

    Hi Guys Anybody know what the quality of Quad Industrial speakers are like? In use for retail stores, BGM music etc. How does it compare to JBL & Bose? Any thoughts? Thanks
  8. jrrd_sti

    Hifi Berry DAC+ - Dedicated DAC board for Raspberry Pi

    Nothing local at all, i contacted Hifi Berry to maybe become a reseller in SA but they full of  :spam:. You can order off their site, they deliver to SA but i suspect shipping to be quite high...  :-X
  9. jrrd_sti

    Integra DTR 30.4 heat

    Good question, mines powering MK's and they are power hungry but never see it come on still, was starting to think its a dud lol
  10. jrrd_sti

    Integra DTR 30.4 heat

    Yes i did, sent an email also. No response. Are your fans on constantly or triggered by a thermostat?
  11. jrrd_sti

    Need help for best playback of downloaded movies

    Raspberry Pi2 with Openelec or OSMC :thumbs: Stable and cheap, CEC compliant so will use your tv/ av receiver remote and supports DTS/Dolby passthrough via HDMI!  :O0:
  12. jrrd_sti

    Integra DTR 30.4 heat

    Hi Guys I have a Integra DTR 30.4, on the top panel i can see a fan above the heat sinks but no matter how hot it gets it never switches on. Anybody have any experience with Integra amps and if the fan actually works? I tried contacting Integra but to no avail  :-[ Thanks in Advance
  13. jrrd_sti

    PSB Sub6i Blown....

    :thumbs: Thank you for both replies. I will call you 2moro yes Kent.
  14. jrrd_sti

    PSB Sub6i Blown....

    Hi Guys :'( Sadly my PSB subseries 6i has blown, my sister put on a piece of music without checking the volume level on amp and now the subwoofer is somehow dead, it just makes a crackling sound  :Ooooooh: like the bass is trying to get through. I thought it was ALMOST impossible to blow it...