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  1. A

    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    Your quote/comments remind me of being at a live session at an audio show last year.  Blue Coast Records was kind enough to bring some of their artists and musicians to play live for us.  It was a great time.  When it was done they took some questions.  I asked Cookie Marenco who owns the label...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    Well, I used to believe what I read online.  I thought everyone was different when it came to preferences for speakers.  Then I sat through the Harman blind speaker testing and preferred the same speakers that countless others had in similar controlled tests!  I took the test a year or two...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    You sure came across dismissive or I would not have posted.  :)  You continue the tone per below.
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    The testing is invariant of design.  Speakers are put behind a curtain, you as a listener score them on same music.  Each speaker is placed in the same spot and you listen.  It is exactly how a customer would evaluate a speaker except that you only have your ears to rely upon. All of this is...
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    Where do Hifi measurements and Hearing Meet

    I have tested near 200 audio products in the last year and half.  I have yet to find an example of a product that measures bad but sounds good.  I set up controlled tests and there, unless levels are wrong, channels are swapped, etc., nothing beneficial has yet to pop out.  If distortion is high...
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    Where do Hifi measurements and Hearing Meet

    That is like looking in the mirror and saying: "aren't I pretty?"  :) There are three hobbies intertwined here: 1. Love of music.  We all share this despite the jab you take at the other camp.  It is absurd to say people in one or the other camp of audio don't enjoy music.  Heck, vast majority...
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    Audiophiles throwin' down!

    What??? Did you just give away the farm?  Your ears hear nothing but noise but you resort to instrumentation to see if there is remnants of the original signal still there? What happened to the argument of trusting your ears? Ethan's test is not designed to show the null with respect to...
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    Audiophiles throwin' down!

    Indeed it is well recorded great music that does, not some imagined, fleeting effect of a cable. Nope.  We go by listening tests.  It is just that when we follow the science, we do it properly and don't let imagination be substituted for sound waves entering your ears...
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    Audiophiles throwin' down!

    Keep you open-mindedness about music to experience all the content that is out there.  Don't waste it on hardware that audio science conclusively shows will empty your pockets but give you nothing....
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    Audio Science Review

    There is nothing informed about his opinion. This is the same guy that on head-fi created the conspiracy story that I someone else ("NWAVGUY").  See this post by head-fi owner forum saying it on his behalf: And look at all the gear he has behind him: It is audio-gd and Schiit gear which...
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    Audio Science Review

    Once again, to say two things sound the same requires that you only judge the sound.  You have no ability to do that in typical audiophile tests.  Your brain is a key part there and it manufactures conclusions that are hugely wrong and have been shown to be the case numerous times.  I have done...
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    Audio Science Review

    You have no way of assessing what your ears received.  What you perceived is the combination of what the ear heard, and your brain decided.  The latter is highly adaptive. When listening to music for example, it is discarding 99% of what the ear is hearing.  Can you imagine it capturing every...
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    Audio Science Review

    You don't know me from a bar of soap?  I need to get my name on some.  :D Currawong needs to study audio science.  If he did, he would know that every lossy audio codec converts music to pure tones, applies compression there, and then converts it back when you play it.  If individual tones are...
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    Audio Science Review

    Sorry no.  If an audio product distorts one tone, then it will distort many tones worse.  I post 32-tone tests now in my reviews.  They show nothing new other than what was bad, is really bad.  :)  Here is an example from my review of Schiit Budget DACs...
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    Audio Science Review

    That is not what I do.  I measure equipment to see if they are engineered well and do what the manufacturers claim.  Instrumentation together with interpretation of results quickly demonstrates the good from bad.  Bad designs are not there because someone thought those things were good ideas. ...
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    Audio Science Review

    Good for him indeed.  Have you done a controlled blind test comparing the two?  I have.  If you can tell the difference between the two, run the test and if you can blindly tell them apart, I will send you USD $500 for your troubles.  Make a youtube video with someone making the AB switch, run a...
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    Audio Science Review

    Folks on SBAF post plenty of random measurements.  I have found issue after issue that is present in their measurements yet they finish it with, "oh, isn't this a great product?"  I got so tired of addressing the nonsense they post that i wrote an article on it.  See...
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    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    Low noise and jitter are matter of good engineering, not much cost.  Check out this new Topping D50 DAC which retails for just US$250 when it comes to jitter and noise: Highest jitter peak is just -130 dB!  And this is triggered by a full amplitude 12 kHz tone which never happens in real...
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    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    Sure. The first two graphs have the wrong vertical scale in that they truncate the bottom of the graph (stop at -100 dB).  The last graph does have the right scale: The main tone there is at -10 dB so we need to add 10 dB to all the distortion spikes.  This makes the tallest one which is...
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    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    Hi there.  I am disappointed to see you have such a negative impression of me.  I have found this forum to be exceptionally polite and positive even when I am arguing with someone.  Your reaction is the only exception to that rule. Anyway I am not here to find a date to marry so popularity is a...