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  1. A

    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    I recently tested that configuration and unfortunately there are good number of issues in its performance.  See:
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    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    Are you sure you want to get trained??? ;) :D  Sometimes it is better to not hear distortions.
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    So what do you actually listen for in a DAC?

    There is no intelligence in a DAC.  It performs no analysis of "information" in audio samples.  It doesn't care if you give it a pure sine wave or random noise.  All audio samples go into the same machine with the same predicted effect. It is your mind that differentiates between those two...
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    Fuse help + Audiophile fuses , snake oil or ?

    You are correct.  My friend told me everything was fine and working until I arrived.  It could be that the connection between filament and end terminals was never right and after some vibration/use it came loose.  Or as you say it tried to blow and instead the end terminal disconnected.
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    Fuse help + Audiophile fuses , snake oil or ?

    My one experience with audiophile fuses has been the opposite.  Went to a friend's house to listen to his system but his amp would not power up.  Pulled out the fuse and checked it with ohm-meter.  It would make intermittent contact!  So much so that at first I thought it was a healthy fuse. ...
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    The Cape Town Hi-Fi Club

    That was a well-done presentation.  Thanks for sharing. Alas, the comments about audibility are badly in need of controlled testing.  Higher end capacitors always "look like they will sound better" more than they can or do.  :)  In addition, capacitors are not precise components so when you...
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    Gear to Consider- The Rocky Mountain International HiFi Press Awards

    Vivid was not at the show.  Their representative was showing Gryphon instead.  See my coverage of it here:
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    Thanks for joining.  Looks like there is a new version of that DAC, the M8a.  If there is sufficient interest, I may buy and measure it.
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    No, they are cut and dry.  The reports you are talking about are anecdotal data gathered from uncontrolled testing which are not repeatable.  Anyone can imagine any sound coming out of their audio gear.  What matters is whether it is a provable point that you can bank on.  The measurements I...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    I found another DAC with both inputs, the SMSL Mini Sanskrit.  Here is how it did: While USB has a smooth random noise floor, S/PDIF has tons of jitter which rises well above the random noise of USB as we get closer to out signal. The peaks are over 20 db higher than the noise floor of USB. ...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    Shoot, I thought we were done :). That wasn't the thesis of this thread.  The thesis was that S/PDIF was designed for audio and USB was not.  As such, it would be superior to USB in performance.  That thesis has been shown to be false.  S/PDIF has no inherent superiority because of its original...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    No I didn't.  I matched the db scale on the left and the graph landed where it landed.  It is what your eye can do but you had to pay attention to the fact that the noise floor of USB was lower.  You had missed that. No, it is garbage analysis due to two different measurement system.  But you...
  13. A

    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    Nope.  Don't see it.  Here is a highly zoomed measurement (on vertical scale): Red is USB and green is S/PDIF from my analyzer.  If  you eyeball the average level (measurements differ from run to run) you see that they are smack on top of each other.  No way is S/PDIF 5 dB better. From...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    You are making multiple mistakes there: 1. I have said S/PDIF is very mature and in just about every implementation it sounds excellent.  That is different than you saying it is better than USB but nonetheless it doesn't say S/PDIF is downright broken. 2. The measurements I showed you where...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    I didn't test it with battery.  Instead I tested it with UpTone LPS-1 which they say is as good or even better than battery.  Here are the results: No improvement.  If...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    You need to avoid them like the plague just the same.  Bad design must be be rewarded with our money.  Don't go polishing a turd as we say in America.
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    I showed examples of both.  Mytek was internally powered.  The rest were USB powered.
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    No worries.  Here is a more detailed response anyway. Take a look at the Uptone ISO Regen review that I did.  The ISO regen has its own power supply and post regulators to generated "cleaner" USB power.  Here it is what it does with USB powered ifi iDAC2: As you see, it makes no difference...
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    Errrr...  The last sentence should read, "I assure you that there will be NO sonic advantage to S/PDIF"
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    USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?

    We are not dealing with paper specifications.  We are testing equipment and measuring exactly what comes out of a DAC.  It doesn't get any more real than that. Going back to your OP: That is exactly what I investigated.  Both Jitter and noise.  And S/PDIF either matched or lost to USB. As...