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  1. S

    Gunter Steinhart Tvp 150s rebuild

    Also heard them at "Real HiFi show" about then. Were impressive playing through very tall speakers in hotel foyer as I remember. Met the honorable GS there too.  GS pcb bears date 1987 - TVP 160.
  2. S

    Gunter Steinhart Tvp 150s rebuild

    Yes and other posts and circuits supplied by Mr Valve. Thanks all. Am now comparing my photos and the hardware to available diagrams. Stuart
  3. S

    Gunter Steinhart Tvp 150s rebuild

    This old pair of mono-blocks need rebuild. Wiring tired, horrid old pcbs. Was playing but low output and distorted. Have bought new valves and bases. As no info nor circuits seem to be available would love some guidance and suggestions. Transformers are Ok. Considered re-building to later...
  4. S

    Empire 1000 ZE/X cartridge opinions?

    Great cartridge, super musicality. After much listening chose it for my Transcriptor fluid, I thought it superior to top carts available then, and still do. In fact still have it and would love to find a new stylus for it.
  5. S

    Beautiful old Logic DM101 needs repair

    This TT came to me needing repair and TLC. Arrived with no transit screws and arm banging about. Gimbal is dislodged and stylus pulled out of cart. Goldring 1006 in Alphason HR-100S. Need help re-seating Gimbal , finding replacement stylus, testing cart, please. Have photos but don't know...