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  1. T

    Jaguar Daimler Vanden Plas

    Agreed - my dad had one when I was younger.  The closest motor to the Jaguar V12 in temperament, if not reliability, that I have ever had the pleasure of driving was the V8 in the LS400 - loved that car, shouldn't have gotten rid of it Chap down the road from me has various older Jaguars...
  2. T

    South African Post Office delivers, eventually!

    Only 3% - would suspect it is far higher than that.  Never use SAPO anymore after so many things got 'lost'.
  3. T

    Short speaker review

    Nice reviews. Think the 3.7i's will be my next upgrade.
  4. T

    Going into this dark, dreadful season

    Highly approve!  An Oa such a good dram.  Especially for a spot in front of an open fire.  With all the issues this year not been able to make my annual pilgrimage to Islay.  :'(
  5. T


    I was lazy and went for one of the Xiaomi robot vacuums.  Brilliant thing if your house is all on one level.  If not suitable agree on the Genenis posted above.
  6. T

    How much difference does it make?

    Diminishing returns hits hard in hifi. PS - all this talk of what to spend month on, with not much mention of room treatment?
  7. T

    What to do when...

    Agreed - whilst I have only had good experiences buying from forum members, it would be good to know of suppliers I should avoid.  If we are allowed to rate buyers/sellers, why not suppliers etc?
  8. T

    Black Friday 2020 Wish List

    Do all my xmas shopping for the family in the UK on amazon (well, we only buy for the kids), so something interesting.  Entry level telescope being top of the list. For myself?  Probably something Schiit.
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    Black Friday 2020 Wish List

    Friday, 27 November
  10. T

    Beautiful amplifiers

    Agreed - beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. 
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    Given I only listen to streaming music and don't have any local files, from a purely sound perspective what is the general view of Roon vs Audirvana which I currently use (both would have access to my Tidal)?
  12. T

    Where is Mervin?

    Always was a pleasure to deal with Mervin - am sure he will sort you out.
  13. T

    EksDom Load shedding Woes

    Upgrade home power system to me is more sensible.  Doesn't matter how good your components are, if they don't have power they don't sound that good.
  14. T

    [Steak] How do you like it?

    3 hours in the sous vide at 52 degrees, then seared quickly at as high a heat as I can manage.  So probably, in the end, medium.
  15. T

    Stage 4 puts and end to Audiophile evening, again

    Thankfully my stereo system lives behind my inverter.
  16. T

    Internet connectivity vs load shedding.

    In my area CellC and Rain seem to have no battery backup at all and vanish the moment load shedding starts.  Telkom is hit and miss, MTN and Vocacom better. I decided it was easier to just get an inverter (pure sinewave) so that I don't have to worry about connectivity.
  17. T

    Will you be going to a pub or restaurant in the next week?

    Already been for a dinner and breakfast.  Rarely go to pubs.  Apart from Duffy?s think I have only been to one other in the last decade.
  18. T

    Music Fidelity V-Link II

    Good.  At least it is getting some use.  Been in a cupboard for 7 years or so.
  19. T

    So let's build a 2D prime root difuser

    Really need some of those for my ceiling.  Just way too lazy.  :roll:
  20. T

    Music Fidelity V-Link II

    How does it compare to Chromecast Audio via optical to the Theta?