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  1. T

    Most popular Home Theater Floorstander brand on this forum

    HT is all B&W.  They look nice and take up much less space than the stereo system Maggies.  But I like them less.
  2. T

    Would you classify Beoplay A9 as an audiophile speaker?

    No idea if its audiophile.  Such a subjective word that.  They are pretty?
  3. T

    What is your preferred/current Amplifier in your HT or Stereo setup?

    Marantz AVR with Marantz monoblocks.  Sometimes, at the moment they are in the cupboard.  Don't care around my HT setup so am using the AVR's internal amplification.  Am tempted to get rid of the speakers too and run a soundbar. 
  4. T

    What is your preferred/current STEREO Amplifier?

    My current amp in the stereo system is a parasound.  I have been very impressed.
  5. T

    Lockdown and beyond - have your drinking habits changed?

    No - drinking habits not changed, but then I didn't run out of anything and usually only have a G&T (if that) when eating out (complete whisky snob and most places don't have anything of interest). The ginger beer discussion above is interesting though.  Love ginger beer.
  6. T

    Theta Pro Prime 1 upgrade

    Either that or the Gungnir?  Seems like a sensible option given their pricing. Bifrost 2 = $699 Gungnir Multibit = $1 299 Yggdrasil = $2 499 If only there was somewhere where you could hear them all and make a (more) informed decision.
  7. T

    Theta Pro Prime 1 upgrade

    Couldn't afford the Yggy when I decided I need a USB dac, so have a very cheap Schiit which has done remarkably well.  Next step is the Yggdrasil.  So much the same thought process as you.  Theta always were incredible value for money in the second hand market and thus difficult to replace.
  8. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Finally.  Carplay.  They really took their time with that.
  9. T

    Storms and rain in Cape Town - June 2020

    The poor cyclist.  :o
  10. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    I have had to pay for one service.  It was R2100 as I recall (probably not too accurately and the invoice is in the car). After sales service from Lexus has always been brilliant.  No other marque I have owned comes close.  Would happily pay a little extra for good service. 
  11. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Yes - infotainment is dated.  Friends Audi makes it look about 4 generations old.  My phone is currently low on memory - when it dies I will replace it with one with much more memory.  Stupid cheapskate decisions that come back to haunt us. 
  12. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Can include the Audi's (even with the upgrades) in that list.  The system far prefers Tidal to Spotify, but streaming Tidal in the car at full quality on a long trip isn't good for your data balances.  :-X
  13. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Congrats - welcome to the (very dull but very calm and relaxing) club!
  14. T

    Power Cable Builds

    Thanks for my shiny new power cables! Between the power cables, USB cable and an hour or so re-routing all the stereo system cabling away from the rats nest at the back of my surround sound system there is a definite improvement.  Very pleased for such a tiny cost.
  15. T

    Wristwatch,any love?

    The joys of living in SA.  One of the reasons I haven't bought any 'decent' watches in the last 15/20 years was the trouble I had when wearing a more recognizable watch out and around.  It isn't getting any better - a few months ago someone who we race with was shot for their watch.  Am simply...
  16. T

    Wristwatch,any love?

    I should not have looked at this thread, so many lovely watches.  Am currently battling my urge to buy a GS Snowflake (which would live in a safe with my other watches whilst I wear the Apple Watch).  :headbanger:
  17. T

    A break from social media

    Or 5 meme a day people.  Worse still is when the 5 memes a day are almost always damn good so you can't unfriend them. 
  18. T

    A break from social media

    My Facebook is my 'five minutes in the morning, five minutes at night' guilty pleasure.  Whatsapp shows my OCD though, can't have an unread message, but counter that by not accepting to be on groups/get jokes etc. I don't think I could, or need to delete either.  On the odd occasion I go...
  19. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Agreed on the GS.  Slightly nicer to drive and the motor is smoother for when you feel like misbehaving.  Couldn't find one with a sunroof (only the GS450's have them and they are very rare) when I was looking and thus went for the ES.  If only we have the GS-F in this country.
  20. T

    Opinion : Lexus, Honda, Mazda, Volvo

    Used to run LS's years ago and had incredible service from them.  Then had other cars for a few years and about 2 years ago swapped to an ES.  No power to speak of, but smooth, quiet, unflustered motoring.  Their after sales service is the best in the business.  Don't think I will be moving from...