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  1. joffieb

    Res Ipsa Loquitur-What Hifi is irrelevant.

    It's the Emperor's New Clothes. I've always said that if you go off to parents' evening and twelve teachers tell you that your kid is great and one says your kid's a horror, it says more about that teacher than your kid. The silence of What Hifi about the Wiim Mini is deafening. The little...
  2. joffieb

    Funny little experiment

    On the weekend we had to paint a small area of the ceiling above where my system is and so I moved my speakers into a really random position, breaking all the rules. Close to walls etc... Decided to have a listen and was still impressed. For the most part they disappeared, the soundstage was...
  3. joffieb

    Clothes sizes, getting smaller?

    Meme I saw recently: Husband: “I think the washing machine is shrinking my clothes!” Wife: “Um no, it’s the fridge!”
  4. joffieb

    How it's made - AV Edition

    Naim Factory Tour: especially at about 4:20ish when they speak about cable shaking. Harbeth Factory Visit: especially at 6:00 .
  5. joffieb

    Vintage Equipment

    Marantz RCA cables, a Red and a Blue set. Mission Isoplat
  6. joffieb

    Jay's take on how vinyl compares with digital

    Notice his voice echo's even with all the room correction!
  7. joffieb

    Yamaha new to me just arrived, YP-D10 TT and CR-2040

    This is the most entertaining thread in a while. Loving it!!!
  8. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices

    Hi All, After having an epiphany on this subject, I posted my theoretical thought experiment on a new thread. Please peruse and give me your input or volunteer to give it a go!!!
  9. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices-Part II (A wild and wonderful theoretical ride!!!)

    A short while ago I started a thread on the subject of getting voices/performances to sound as if they are “in the room” and how to set up your system to do so if at all possible. So many reviewers say they hear the performer in their actual room but my experience at listening to really high end...
  10. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices

    My conclusion at this stage after thinking about the high end systems I’ve heard and all the tracks I’ve tried at home, and as 2wice said above, it’s like you’re in their room. PS after giving this more thought, why would you want the singer in your lounge? Let’s rather be transported to their...
  11. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices

    Thanks for the intro to Tom Waits! Wow!!
  12. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices

    Thank, enjoyed!!!
  13. joffieb

    Natural Sounding Voices

    Hi Is anyone here able to boast that in their system it sounds like the singer is in the room singing to them like their granny or aunty might, but perhaps with a little more skill. In other words, it doesn’t sound produced or compressed or reverbed and really like there’s actually an...
  14. joffieb

    Hifi Art - great photos of equipment

    Okay, sorry. I’ll try resurrect it tomorrow with a contribution but it’s a tough ask!
  15. joffieb

    Hifi Art - great photos of equipment

    Mainly weddings and events. My site
  16. joffieb

    Hifi Art - great photos of equipment

    As a photographer of over 40 years and a collector of photography I have to say that this challenge is difficult. I've seen the attempts and very few if any pop out as arty. Remember, WAF is there for a reason. HiFi is ugly. Minimalist designs are better but they’re no work of art. I did try...
  17. joffieb

    Double LP’s are simply stupid.

    Just checked online, 8 tracks.
  18. joffieb

    Double LP’s are simply stupid.

    I had the Mad Magazine “Super Spectacular Day” 45 that cam on the cover and had seven parallel tracks so you never knew which version of the song would play when you dropped the needle.
  19. joffieb

    Double LP’s are simply stupid.

    Thank you!! The ones I am referring to are not 45 rpm.