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  1. Baseline

    The 2024 Global hifi show calendar

    Based on the experience of the previous expo in Newlands, may I suggest that a space is created for the DIY chaps to not only show their creations but, they should also be able to demonstrate their wares. If necessary and financially expedient, perhaps the DIYers can share a room and associated...
  2. Baseline

    Moya M1- Vivid on Steroids

    Only 400,000 pounds stirling per pair (R9,560,000). For the Zumas, the number in brackets is nine million, five hundred and sixty thousand rand. (y):ROFLMAO:
  3. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    @Jozua, to be clear, I did not participate in the political discussion thread as I knew it would become contentious and it seems that certain forumites cannot participate in an adult discussion, sharing points of view and allowing others to do likewise even if their points of view are...
  4. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    I agree with David Chesky's take on the issue.
  5. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    Yet another misunderstanding of what I said. It was merely interesting that nobody seemed to express any opinion on the matter one way or another. I was not looking for an echo chamber to confirm what I said. I was interested in hearing other people's opinions. After all, the point of the forum...
  6. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    Point taken and you may well be correct, though the degree of separation heard by a conductor is an unknown quantity from our perspective. The only reason I used a live orchestral performance as an example, is that you are hearing the instruments as they actually sound in that space without...
  7. Baseline

    The Cape Town Hi-Fi Club

    An interesting evening indeed. Proceedings started with a laptop feeding digital files into a FiiO DAC/amp into the Kinki monoblocks powering Andrew's floorstanding speakers. The 250 watts per channel was immediately evident in the full-bodied presentation. At some point the FiiO was swapped out...
  8. Baseline

    Redro spread

    I think it was a clever and deceitful ploy by local retailers to remove the product from the shelves, driving consumers into a frenzy. That frenzy translated into a massive, free advertising campaign as everyone was talking about the lack of access and reminiscing about the product which all...
  9. Baseline

    Rotel CD Player RCD 855

    Just like the human eye muscles weaken with age causing problems focusing, the power to the laser dips with age. It can be adjusted upward within a small range after which, the laser needs to be replaced (at least according to my technician).
  10. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    That is the point I am making. Unfortunately, when texting, the limitations of language and time do not always allow for the full expression of an idea with adequate supporting reasons. The high-end system is creating a unique and new experience rather than simply reproducing music as close to...
  11. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    @AlleyCat, I do not doubt that a high-end system, correctly set up can create an immersive experience that is mind-blowingly enjoyable but, is it a natural reproduction of say an orchestral concert in the City Hall or, is it an enhanced sound experience?
  12. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    @Tzs503gp, your comment above and other comments you have previously made pertaining to my opinions, clearly demonstrate that you have a problem with me and attack anything I post even though we have never met and don't know each other. If that is how you feel, you are entitled to your personal...
  13. Baseline

    What An Audiophile!

    In my opinion... this is way over-the-top complication of the listening experience. Out of sure curiosity, I would like to hear the first system shown to compare it to a live orchestra performance in order to determine whether they are attempting to recreate the natural, authentic sound OR...
  14. Baseline

    RSE Annihalator - any good?

    @Budgie, you do realize you are trying to resurrect a 14 year old thread of which certain members are no longer with us?
  15. Baseline

    Which Cassette Tape?

    @OBELIX, just spotted this on FB marketplace. May be of interest.
  16. Baseline

    A Bright Shining Lie… Why ignoring an inconvenient truth is stifling system performance.

    Based on the opposite views which are emerging, this thread is heading into a conflict between the two camps with neither side going to convince the other of their point of view. So why not leave it there. Each side is going to take whatever steps they deem necessary to get the most pleasure out...
  17. Baseline

    Which Cassette Tape?

    @OBELIX, PM stands for "personal or private message". It is like the inbox on Facebook. Place your cursa over the person's screen-name which is displayed under their avatar. A window will open. In that window, click on "start conversation". You can then type your message and send and will then...
  18. Baseline

    Grimes on Gemini

    I understand your sentiments and in general agree however, your objective can be attained without over-the-top pretentiousness. Simply listen to any speech by Stephen Fry or Anthony Hopkins and you will experience just how beautiful and descriptive the English language can be without resorting...
  19. Baseline

    Grimes on Gemini

    The projection of being an intellectual is shown in both the use of language and the supposed insightful commentary. Regarding language, "An unabashed simulacra of activism" is admittedly a well-constructed turn-of-phrase and quite melodic in the way it rolls off the tongue and at the same time...