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    Van den Hul??
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    Seriously though, check the continuity of your turntable leads (RCA signal and shielding).  Make sure the ground wire is actually connected properly to the chassis/tonearm assembly.
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    Denon DCD-690 issue

    Hi All... Mods feel free to move it if this post is in wrong section... My beloved CDP is refusing to play CD's with 18 tracks or more.  Doesn't even find TOC!  I've tried the usual lens cleaning etc., but I fear this is a laser setup/tracking issue.  I'm OK with trying to sort it out myself...
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    Mitre joints on speaker cabs

    ^^  Nah, haven't printed yet. Just posted the link for those who are interested.  I'll try some soon though and see how they come out...
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    Mitre joints on speaker cabs

    Just did!
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    Mitre joints on speaker cabs

    Hi Mars...  Sorry for late reply! This image was borrowed from Strand Hardware's website, so I assume they stock them...
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    Monster MTX Jackhammer Sub

    I remember it as a 24" square jobbie!!
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    Recap or not?

    ^^  +1 It is very tedious and time consuming, but resoldering all the joints of an old piece of equipment is a far better option than recapping...  Did this recently on 3 amps and was surprised by just how many (seemingly) dodgy joints there were, especially on the heat producing components' legs.
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    Mitre joints on speaker cabs

    These are also pretty handy for frames/boxes: Strap clamps...
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    Converting AV receiver to power amplifier

    Hmmm, interesting!!!  Just looked at the specs and seems the channels have identical output power etc.  I would even consider bridging to give lekker power out!!! 2Ch @ 200W and 3Ch @ 100W or 3Ch @200W and 1Ch @100W.  Do it!!! :rubhands: :rubhands: :rubhands:
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    Measure capacitor, transformer distortion

    Hmmm, yeah thanks! :comfort: It confirms my need to try and squeeze poly caps into my Micro Phono (,87245.msg995114.html#msg995114).  But that's going to be tough, only need to place 8 of them!
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    Soldering iron leakage alert

    Thanks for the heads-up!!!  Though my Weller has been serving me well over the past 25 years or so.  Yet to change anything other than different tips... :touchwood:
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    Lockdown and beyond - have your drinking habits changed?

    Sheesh!  Far quicker than my effort. But mine tastes better... :tongue:  :dop: The pic doesn't really show, but it is quite carbonated.  I use a 5l mini-keg for my beers which is carbonated using those CO2 canisters found in cyclists backpacks.  It's pretty much like Fiery Dragon ginger beer...
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    Lockdown and beyond - have your drinking habits changed?

    Yeah...  After three weeks or so when the beer reserves were seriously depleted, I finally opened my brew kit I got for my birthday last July ;D Call it a premonition that I never got stuck into it straight away :whistler:  Anyway, brewed the batch of lager that came with the kit, 23l worth and...
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    Ordering fom DigiKey

    I use NuVision a lot through work!  You do pay a slight premium, but you'll get your stuff within 5-7 days.  Not sure of the courier options as they deliver to us, being a regular client of theirs, so find out from them.  Never had an issue...
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    Name them

    Helter Skelter
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    New Toy!! Schlumberger Stabilock 4039 RF test bench

    AH! The machine that goes "Ping!" Really cool to see test equipment with all sorts of buttons and knobs and dials and lights and shiny things compared to today's boxes with a USB cable to a PC... You kinda feel you're getting your money's worth...
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    Micro phono

    Thanks all!! Definitely worth a try!  Though I do suspect a ground loop or horrible ground path somewhere on the phono board. :vsad: Zero input is with TT disconnected. The inputs are grounded with 47kohm on the amp board itself.  If I plug in the TT it's much the same...