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  1. gbyleveldt

    Speakers - Revelation Two ? Monitor MkII for DIY

    This is what I ended up doing years ago:
  2. gbyleveldt

    Speaker building Book Thread

    Wow, this is an old thread  ;D The Speaker Building 201 book is a little dated, as it takes a very simplistic view on XO design. The LDC book is very important though! I've never had the guts to go through it from start to finish as most of it is over my head, but I do refer to it occasionally...
  3. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    To break away from this current story a little I want to make mention of measurement mics: I've always been using an uncalibrated Behringer Mic to do my measurements. The problem with all of these is the rather severe peak at 12kHz. Not only this, but the peak has some pretty wide skirts so it...
  4. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Hehe, this is just the start of the story. I've gone full circle with this but figured I would let it simmer for a bit. I will be addressing your questions with the follow up story. It sure is. In fact, I figured I messed up the measurement so I had a look at the datasheet of the driver and...
  5. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    I then decided to try the first order electrical arrangement. The reason for wanting to use such an arrangement is because it's simple (and cheap) and that because I tend to like the minimal approach when it comes to XO's. Less is more I say! Unfortunately, this was not to be... I used a series...
  6. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Measurements!! The woofer(s) And Tweeter What would be immediately obvious is that the tweeter is something really, really special. This, I can use! The woofers, on the other hand, have that nasty breakup at 10kHz. Still very far outside the planned XO point, but this puts my initial idea...
  7. gbyleveldt

    Open Question to Vivid Audio - Giya

    Everything is imported. Steel, composites, components, etc. South Africa exports many of the core minerals these are made of, but refinery / manufacturing of these are done overseas. With pretty much all your hardware input costs subject to RoX, you can imagine what kind of impact it must have...
  8. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Thanks guys! Hey, that's a good idea. I was thinking in the line of some epoxy I could apply and then tap, but superglue actually seems a lot easier.
  9. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    A few things have become clear up to this point: 1) I will never, ever be able to master spraypainting. I decided against the acrylic finish, sanded everything down again and went with gloss white. It's good enough but I'm going to want to re-do it again at some point. 2) Running an M4 tap into...
  10. gbyleveldt

    Ways to locate my lost e-cigarette

    The big question is: Did you smoke normal cigs when it was missing? If so, sis on you!
  11. gbyleveldt

    iMac parts in South Africa

    I used a thin flat screwdriver. The glass is attached to the front using very strong magnets. As an update, I've replaced the PSU and logicboard. Turns out the flipping VGA card is also busted. Boy, lightning did a number on this one... I'm waaaay past spending what's responsible on this thing ...
  12. gbyleveldt

    Advice on soldering SMD please

    With the amount of SMD work I've been doing I got myself some solder paste and a heat pen. If you do it right, the capillary action of both pads' solder paste being heated up pulls the part straight. But even that's taking too long now, so I've started on my reflow oven. Anyway, I got lots of...
  13. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Dremel, with a die grinding bit. Carefully follow profile and little by little taking some wood away. then sand it all down and paint again  :facepalm: Like I said: Rookie mistake. I've done it before as well hence me being really upset with myself.
  14. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    True as nuts, the drivers don't fit anymore after the thick layer of paint  :Ooooooh: Rookie mistake but it's really, really going to suck getting that fixed. Aaarrgh!!!
  15. gbyleveldt

    UB40 again - anyone?

    Red Red wine  :puke:
  16. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Hehe, afraid not man. They pretty from far but not so much up close :) And then there's that other issue I spoke to you about :)
  17. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

  18. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    Hehe, they pretty tall but thin. 500 high, 130 x 130. It should've been smaller but you all know how feature creep works  ;D
  19. gbyleveldt

    First speaker project for the new year

    So I sat with this dilemma - do I buy PC speakers or do I build. Buying is muuch cheaper, but I've been itching to do a speaker build for a while now and figured what the hell. There's been a lot of to'ing and fro'ing on the design of these, but I think I'm committed on a sealed setup for the...
  20. gbyleveldt

    B&W 704 or CM8?

    I wouldn't use the CM8 and 704 in the same sentence. The CM range was maybe meant to replace the 70x series, but things didn't turn out that way. I'm still surprised they published that review. I'm told I'm still not popular after that  ;D