I have a full Bentley 200 7.1 set up for about 3 years now. Think I bought it during black friday 2021. Cant remember.
Anyway, point is I have not had any issues in the time I have heard them, and they work pretty damn well in my HT system.
Opened this up this weekend. Had it on the shelf for so long that i had to wipe off a dust layer , even though it was inside a sleeve.
I remember now why I bought two spare bottles, all those years ago. This is absolutely delicious
Two itches scratched today
Had a listen to Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 1 at HFX. Was very pleasantly surprised at this speaker.Can only imagine how brilliant the Guarneri would be. Aesthetically, this was feast for the eyes. Had a look at some of the other higher end models, and every stereotype...
Heard back from Francois. Not available anymore.
A forum member has also kindly invited me to listen to his Martion Bullfrogs, which I am very keen to do.