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  1. N

    Running in new speakers

    Hello, Thanks everyone for you help and advise. I have that same feeling I had when I got my first car :) Guess I will just have to be patient and enjoy them while running them in. I hope you all have a brilliant christmas !!:)
  2. N

    Running in new speakers

    Cool. Yes, I got the integrated amp. I will do what the manual says. I should be fine I assume. Thanks for your help alphabet.
  3. N

    Running in new speakers

    thanks. :) they do sound a bit sharp or high at the moment. Like they are lacking a little bit of bass. I'm hoping to purchase a subwoofer (the psb sub zero) at a later stage. The cambride 640A with DVD 99 player.
  4. N

    Running in new speakers

    Hi Alphabet, they are Morduant-Short Mezzo 6.
  5. N

    Running in new speakers

    Hi everybody, I bought a new pair of speakers and in the manual it says the speakers should be run in for 36 hours. Does anyone have answers to any of these questions? - Is this 36 hours of play time or 36 continous hours? - At what volume, should I gradually increase the volume - Is 36 hours...
  6. N

    DVD/CD Players - Opinions Please

    Hi, Sorry for all the questions.Buying a car was much easier than this :) I'm looking at buying a DVD/CD player combo and there is just to many choices. Being anything but an Audio expert it is quite daunting to pick the best DVD/CD palyer for your hard earned South African Rands. The...
  7. N

    Sony Playstation - Main DVD CD player

    Hello Ian, Wow, thanks for all the feedback :) I am looking at buying a Cambridge Audio DVD/CD player and just thought why not use the Sony playstation instead and get the benefit of Blue-ray and games as well. Hi-Fi purist will propably frown upon this. It seems it might be worth some further...
  8. N

    Sony Playstation - Main DVD CD player

    Hi, Can anyone tell me what they think of using the playstation3 as my DVD/CD player for my Hi-Fi system. Is this a bone head idea? Thanks Cheers
  9. N

    JAMO S 606 HCS

    Sorry for the spelling ;D it was a bit late already last night. Thanks to everyone for your responses and comments.  I must say stereo sound is still my first requirement even though I did look at a HT system.  Can anyone tell me where I can go and have a listen to the Dali and Sonor speaker...
  10. N

    JAMO S 606 HCS

    Hi, I listened to the JAMO S 606 HCS  complete 6.1 setup at a soundshop in JHB: The setup was an ONKYO 705 amplifier together with Polke audio sub. (cant remember the range number) The asking price was just below R20 000. I was wondering if anybody could suggest another set of speakers or...