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  1. J

    Gerdac Review...

    the dac is a theta chroma 396 (I think) .. its dead and the guy who is trying to repair it says the dac chip has blown (pcm67p)..
  2. J

    Gerdac Review...

    Hi .. Im still trying to get my theta  repaired .. Im ordering a pcm67p which was the dAC chip they used .. I have to make up a minimum order for the chip vultures in the US so if anyone wants another  dac chip or whatever add it on and Ill buy a few up to my minimum .. the pcms go for about...
  3. J

    Gerdac Review...

    Hi I just joined .. Dacs fascinate me. I had a theta digital chroma that I loved but it died. Who is making the gerdac and can I buy one ?