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  1. N


    Someone buy the brush cutter I?ve advertised in open sales ... it?ll rid me of my economic interest and I?m sure it can be modified to run on solar. :P
  2. N


    Except the cANCer...
  3. N


    Remember the good old days when load shedding meant getting laid.
  4. N

    The Headphone Addiction - Why does it happen?

    Much as cans can be a good listening experience, for me they're no match for a good hi-fi setup in a treated room. I also find I tend to get tinnitus when using cans daily for a week or so.  Two culprits I suspect: probably listen too loud (though I'm not convinced); too many extended listening...
  5. N

    The Headphone Addiction - Why does it happen?

    One more uniquely South African explanation to provide as you enter the house with yet more gear: longer listening sessions from the inverter / generator than with hi-fi so there's no need for the kids to study using candles for light.
  6. N

    The Headphone Addiction - Why does it happen?

    Perhaps both :be: ...but if one looks at the timing of my getting into cans you'll see it coincides with the knowledge that ORIS lay ahead.
  7. N

    The Headphone Addiction - Why does it happen?

    Not sure head-fi is that different from hi-fi iro collecting kit.  Things that make it easier: - space: to store all the kit - easier to have a few HPA's and cans set up than multiple hi-fi / speakers - cost: great sound comes at a much lower price point with head-fi than hi-fi
  8. N

    The Headphone Addiction - Why does it happen?

    Leading causes are BHS and ORIS ... Battered Husband and/or One Room Immigrant syndrome.
  9. N

    Reliable UPS brands for my desktop?

    Post a few pics if you can please.
  10. N

    Eskom again - Battery, charger and inverter recommendations

    Give the fcukers a chance and they?ll soon enough tax solar and and other attempts to go off-grid.
  11. N

    Eskom again - Battery, charger and inverter recommendations for inverter, for the bombadidas (what my son called batteries as a toddler).
  12. N

    Another Eskom-inspired thread

    Eksdom is fuxored and we are powerless to do anything about it :giggle:
  13. N

    LP storage unit

    Great outcome.  Well conceived an executed. :2thumbs:
  14. N

    LP storage unit

    Looks great, interested in how it handles when it's under load, and also where you'll locate it in the listening space.
  15. N


    Used this stuff for fridges, freezers and AV setup.  Never lost a thing, but's sick that you have to buy this stuff in the first place.
  16. N

    Now Playing...

    ^^^ great band.
  17. N

    Now Playing...

    Very,  very nice and long overdue.