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  1. Henry

    Audio Research LS5 MKIII

    No Jozua, you are late.  I was first!  :boxing:  :baseball:
  2. Henry

    Audio Research LS5 MKIII

    Not much use I think.  Seems they redesigned that whole circuit between MkII and MkIII.  Also, looks like they don't tell anybody what their JFETs are by looking at that MkII parts list.  Buggers! :baseball:
  3. Henry

    Audio Research LS5 MKIII

    Voila! Thank me later.  There is a schematic and parts list in that fred. EDIT:  Argh dammit.  Version II.  But usually they re-use parts.
  4. Henry

    Audio Research LS5 MKIII

    OK, so device '1001' are IRF840 MOSFETs, while device '6525' is some sort of JFET.  I will see what I can find out. Why would you want to butcher one LS5 to save another?  That one also FUBARed? EDIT:  If not FUBARed, leave alone.  Desoldering FETs are a bastard.  They can get damaged by...
  5. Henry

    Thank you SAPO!

    The Tube Store was more expensive on shipping to SA anyway compared to Tube Depot, although Tube Depot do not have all the valves that The Tube Store has. Last quote I received from Tube Depot was $26 for shipping.  That was for: 4 @ Tung-Sol 6550, 4 @ Tung-Sol KT120 and 2 @ Sovtek 6H30Pi.
  6. Henry

    High end turntable.

    Yes, but I can bet you there will be frantic bidding just before the closing time, and by then the price would have at least doubled. Nice TT though, one of my favourites.  But something I will probably never own.  :vsad:
  7. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?

    Thank you for the education.  :2thumbs: You would not believe it, but perchance I was reading about the development of the tetrode in Basic Theory and Application of Electron Tubes (US Army..., 1952) just this afternoon while I was waiting for my son doing his cycling at school.  The author...
  8. Henry

    Favourite live albums

    Ultravox - Monument Dire Straits - Alchemy Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense
  9. Henry

    Members' Kit pics

    :envy: Jandre, please give me your physical address.  I am sure I can arrange a 'visit'. :rubhands: Just kidding.  :winkwink:
  10. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?

    Thanks Oom Johan Yes, as a youngster I am subject to the opinions of what I read on the net with regards to valves.  And although I will not be able to either find or afford genuine NOS 12AX7/ECC83 valves from Phillips/Siemens/Telefunken/Mullard, I have found a very nice one from Tung-Sol.  I...
  11. Henry

    OSB for speaker cabinet building?

    I think Balcotan is sort of the same glue as Gorilla glue.  Well, that is what the guy at Apple Tool and Gas told me.  I laminated some long pieces of Pinus Crappus with it, and it is still holding.
  12. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?

    If you have the money, try to find a NOS Telefunken ECC83 to replace the 12AX7 with.  But these tubes have been faked on a massive scale.  As with most NOS treasures, be careful.  Here be Dragons. Stay with the established...
  13. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?

    If I may hijack this topic whilst we are discussing the EF86 and EF806S pentodes:  what is the benefits that these pentodes provide over a triode input stage?  And is this which made the Mullard design so unique compared to the Williamson design?
  14. Henry

    Members' Kit pics

    Maggies.  On the right hand side of the pic.  Jandre should provide us with another photo of the whole system.
  15. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?

    Duncan's Amps also a good site:
  16. Henry

    EF86 and EF806 same valves?
  17. Henry

    Rolling an EL34 with a KT77?

    I'll pass.  My budget dictates that I rather buy some KT88s from the Shuguang or Reflektor/New Sensor factories.
  18. Henry

    Rolling an EL34 with a KT77?

    Aren't those like super expensive valves?  Prices I see are about $450 each.  Thats about 20K Mandelas worth of valves.
  19. Henry

    Rolling an EL34 with a KT77?

    I am going to try the new production Tung-Sol 6550s in my Mars Kit, which has EL34s, so if you want to do some rolling, you could try that.  Then KT88s after that maybe.  Sommer the cheap Shuggy KT88-98s. 6550 and KT88 are Beam Pentodes.
  20. Henry

    Audio Research LS5 MKIII
