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  1. T

    Embarking on Solar Stuffs......

    The Luxpower SNA is one hell of a bang for the buck and a neat UPS with dual HV MPPTs and it blends unlike Voltronic inverters. Their LXP range is NRS approved, the SNA is not (UPS only or off-grid).
  2. T

    The New Axpert Inverters (SOL-I-AX-5M4) - Is anyone aware of any issues with these units.

    Growatt and Voltonics clones, I don't understand why people use them all that much. Growatt especially have had some horrendously high return rates. I would start with characterizing the earth, checking loop impedances on all the circuits and take it from there. Two failures like this in short...
  3. T

    Generator explosion.

    Some folks also convert generators to run on LPG. Either way, a sad event.
  4. T

    Great info on porous absorption from John Brandt

    You are now over-qualified to be an acoustician in South Africa in as far as commercial buildings are concerned. Here it's about selling by the kilo and some have low grade rockwool to suit even if it would take 5x more material cost to get the job done right if one actually cared.
  5. T

    Great info on porous absorption from John Brandt

    If you look at Rockwool for example, the flow resistivity at a given density can differ by up to about an order of magnitude by what I've tested (no traceability, for my own sake only using half space tests). Fiber glass is far more consistent, better to inhale too but both require a cloth...
  6. T

    Great info on porous absorption from John Brandt

    Dependig on air gap it's been a mix of spun mineral fiber and a spaced face of a low density spun polyester acoustisorb with a slightly reflective facing (cause NE is not a pleasant environment) so I don't really care about an Alpha of 0.9 vs 0.8 as I am aiming at a reflection coefficient...
  7. T

    Great info on porous absorption from John Brandt

    What are the measurement conditions? Impedance tube? LF absorption in rooms has been known to deviate from tube values since BBC times. I have had good experience with large areas of spaced moderately low density infill in multiple layers and the placement is frequently such, that one can add...
  8. T

    Subwoofer advice

    Mind the tape loop might be full line level, one can take a voltage divider and take high level inputs to almost any electronics or worst case run a line level transformer (which can also sum left and right) As always, sub setup is more important to integration and "sound" (ideally lack of)...
  9. T

    Full range speaker build, maybe group buy and build, tube amps low wattage

    The corner placement of the FH is more about stronger mode excitation than loading like with a rear loaded horn. Most of the impedance transformation occurs inside the cabinet with a terminated expanding line and the behaviour is not far from a typical reflex regards the LF. This is a good thing...
  10. T

    Full range speaker build, maybe group buy and build, tube amps low wattage

    Please pay David his dues, he's put a lot into the FH movement and deserves the small bit for his dedication to the concept for non open source work. I would pair the driver for which the TL was designed on the XL. The smaller lines are a bit more amenable to different drivers. I will also...
  11. T

    Full range speaker build, maybe group buy and build, tube amps low wattage

    I have a pair of FE206Ens on my shelf here eyeing me out...not a TL driver (more of a 6th order BR RL horn candidate). I should model up a XL using some 8" coax or HE sometime (one can always use the pretty hardwood for the HF).
  12. T

    Full range speaker build, maybe group buy and build, tube amps low wattage

    Frugelhorns sound coherent imaging wise, just don't expect flea-watt power to deliver an actual RL horn output (there is typically 8x more volume required for that party trick). Upside is they do small things really well and have an approachable sound on the two occasions I have heard Alpair...
  13. T

    Full range speaker build, maybe group buy and build, tube amps low wattage

    Hardwood warps, it's quite a bear to build hardwood enclosures, you'll line the inside with a secondary layer to keep it air tight. In the bigger picture, the Frugelhorn is a TL, not a horn. Its a nice concept, but once you scale it up and look at it objectively, it is slightly resonant or...
  14. T

    48v Battery Recommendation?

    Revov are a decent choice, as are LBSA if you're looking for a locally supported 1st life option up here in Gauteng. There are many 2nd life and Chinese OE premanufactured options coming to market. Be sure the vendor has full backup and support and carries spare Cells, BMSes and has the setup to...
  15. T

    48v Battery Recommendation?

    Hubble AM-2 is a white box Chinese NMC LiIon battery with a BMS set not to fully charge the cells. There is good reason for this to extend the bank life given the NMC chemistry. Ideally it needs their R3k computer box to optimize the battery and get the rated discharge capacity. Their firmware...
  16. T

    48v Battery Recommendation?

    I would start with your usage patterns 7h00 -> 17h00 and outside of productive solar hours, look at your shading situation and then see to match your requirements. Don't over-capitalize on batteries and make sure you know what you're buying (AM-2 is a 13S 125Ah LiIon bank). If you require a bit...
  17. T

    Kodak inverters? Good or not?

    I believe the regulations read "inter-connect" regards inverters and the like needing NRS097 certification. Hence AC charging is not technically permitted for inverters lacking certification. AC motor driven generators such as in high end UPS systems and data centers have mechanical isolation...
  18. T

    Home Cinema build - Dedicated room (50% complete)

    I think 110l internal tuned 22Hz or there abouts. 50mm radius flare or there abouts. The Dayton refs were able to chuff the slot port, an ultimax I presume moreso but perhaps your setup/EQ/room allows otherwise.
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    Home Cinema build - Dedicated room (50% complete)

    Nice. I suggest that you flare the vent exits to reduce chuffing, at least on the upper lip. I might have a spare cab that might work here, flared and all.
  20. T

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    It is hard to say with Targa, one has to measure the TSPs oneself as many of their and other brands sold by that crowd are .... good paperweights that can slam a pavement. The old Viper series was quite useable, the street has been non-hifi and the others....who knows.