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  1. croak

    Cable for crossover

    Image above in the yellow shows the Monster battery power leads I found.  Looks like they use that for bass and perhaps transparent for the highs.  Looks like fairly basic transparent.  Personally, once you take away the networks, what?s left of transparent is pretty ordinary on their entry...
  2. croak

    Cable for crossover

    I think Wilson advocate the use of Transparent.  I was however surprised when helping with the replacement on some bass drivers, soldering the wiring to the drivers,  that they were branded Monster and  were the kind used as battery power leads used in performance car audio.  I can?t recall the...
  3. croak

    What Did Your HiFi Cost You In Bribes

    You mean the one that starts with ?Luister,  ?
  4. croak

    Cable for crossover

    12 Awg is thinner than 9 Awg which is thinner than 6 Awg.  12 Awg is just over 2 mm Sq. 
  5. croak

    The Roots of High-End Audio

    Those that do indeed.  Ability and guts.  I would say the latter is rarer. 
  6. croak

    Clever useful stuff learnt here.

    I guess experience varies.  I am unlikely to return to the squeezed out moist sponge.
  7. croak

    Cable for crossover

    Most basic commercial speakers use ?whatever?.  Some more dedicated brands use better cables. Not many go beyond 12 Awg on cables for bass. For flexibility loose cores are probably best.  Strip down a 4 core Mogami or Tachii for an affordable quality option. 
  8. croak

    Clever useful stuff learnt here.

    Magnum stick the stuff in a little tin with a hole in it and sell it. Disagree on cleaner with sponge, I have a cleaner tip with the locks. It takes any flux right of and tip comes out shiny. Better than I ever got from just dabbing the sponge. Only actually wrapping the sponge and spinning the...
  9. croak

    Nad pre and power amp set up

    Here are the interconnects.,51839.75.html Mogami 2964 x2 or 2965 is cost effective low capacitance cable. A lot of generic rca cable sold today is not screened, just a wire pair.  They get away with it at line level digital sources on short...
  10. croak

    Clever useful stuff learnt here.

    Brass afaik.  Goldilocks pot scourer. 
  11. croak

    Interconnect Builds and reterminations

    Phono extension cable using Supra Dual cable (low capacitance) and Amphenol connectors.
  12. croak

    Clever useful stuff learnt here.

    This one rates as one of the best ?tweaks? ever.  Thank you Schalk.  He loosely mentioned this somewhere.  Tried it about a year ago.  It totally rocks. No more spons to hou nat.
  13. croak

    Croak's heady cable builds

    Pentacon to HiFiMan Ananda
  14. croak

    Artists and high end audio

    Think you might mean micro dynamics in English audiopile babble.  Recordings of his sound nice but yes, all focus is on making his voice the big thing.  I might hear what you imply.  Other than the voice and the lower notes of the music instrumentation is all quite tame on record. 
  15. croak

    Tascam Mini CD Tray Lube?

    Tape the disc.  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. croak

    Dialing in active subwoofer...tricky bliksem...

    I could not stream this track so used Bluetooth.  Works really really well and I had my little Rel tuned to Harbeth P3esr within an hour or so.  ?We suggest track 4 from the soundtrack to Sneakers (Columbia CK 53146). ? It has the same bass note played slowly but continuously. ...
  17. croak

    Dialing in active subwoofer...tricky bliksem...

    What is said on the inter webs echoes in eternity... 1 tidy pair of Klipsch reference speakers for sale, only seen light use. Not.
  18. croak

    Turntable Weights - your opinion?

    I have some theories besides the bearing wear and trying to make a light house balance on 3 springs.  The material of the clamp has an influence.  Clamping to spindle vs applying ballast to the lp loosely touching spindle has an effect The type of mat / nude Platter used will have an...
  19. croak

    Tascam Mini CD Tray Lube?

    Rather than the spoon perhaps stick a piece of masking tape under the tray and let it hang out like a tongue. What we used to do with CD-R consumer machines to do the dice swap. 