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  1. croak

    2007 iMac redundant ?

    I think I use a similar machine now maxed at 10.11.6 but still does what I need.  It runs from a SSD now though and is totally arable as my daily machine.  I use it for coms, surfing/takealot processing  and quickbooks.  YouTube runs just fine. 
  2. croak

    Debunked! MQA is bad, and misleading you!

    Straight 44/16 files of Cowboy Junkies - Black Eyed Man, an album I really enjoy and I payed to death, especially the track ?If you were the woman and I were the man?.  Some AB tidal kobus last night using Lindemann directly (no Roon).  Koos remains more natural yet clearer to my ears.  I...
  3. croak

    Linn hinges

    Spares trickle in slowly so most of the time I am forced to keep what I have for services and refurbs. I will have a look in the bins tomorrow and see how many I have and if I could spare any. 
  4. croak

    Audio Wasteland = Pretoria

    The USB cable will help.  Are you using an external usb to spdif converter or the actual bel canto usb input on the dac? If the usb of the DAC I would budget toward a good usb to spdif interface.  The somewhat aged bel canto usb in is imo below the ability of the dac. Ignore above.  I see you...
  5. croak

    Audeze refurbishment

    Eina I read that reply as a single driver price but I hope I am wrong.
  6. croak

    ClearAudio Concept MM, 3 recordings, something changes.

    Cool.  Thanks for listening and comparing. 
  7. croak

    Do Amplifiers impart a sonic signature to music

    As per a previous post, High Fidelity true to the source etc is assuming that catching sound with a microphone and recording its electrical output has the ability to accurately capture the full experience of the musical event. I don?t know a lot about recording. I know if you put the mic close...
  8. croak

    Do Amplifiers impart a sonic signature to music

    Side A of the LP was mastered at the wrong speed but signed off by Miles.  What would be the correct speed to play it at? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. croak

    Sound deadening a car

    Advantage of this stuff also is it sticks like **** to a blanket.  Useful to dampen budget HiFi chassis too.  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. croak

    Upgrade advice needed, where?s my weak link?

    That?s your taste/experience/opinion.  Yet you have a need to cycle through more gear than most in short periods of time, so I would reason that you too, haven?t quite found what you are looking for.  Lol.  We are all different and value different aspects over others. Like high efficiency...
  11. croak

    Upgrade advice needed, where?s my weak link?

    I agree and disagree.  With a finite budget and a focussed taste  I would disagree.  Get the best you can afford for your use case. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. croak

    Upgrade advice needed, where?s my weak link?

    The prog rock may not be easiest but totally do able but for jazz and vocal stuff and if sound stage in a big room in a non fatigue presentation is your thing you could do worse than try a Magnepan 0.7.  They work surprisingly well with what at first seems a medium power tube amp.  Lots of...
  13. croak

    Upgrade advice needed, where?s my weak link?

    I kind of agree.  Both amp and speakers are good but neither is with its best company here.  Look at a quality speaker that is less ?current? demanding. Analogue by birth, digital by design. Mostly  a StereoType though known to enjoy some Mono too. 
  14. croak

    Rel High level speakon cable question

    Yup.  The OP seems to have made his correctly but there may be something else that?s a hurdle.  Analogue by birth, digital by design. Mostly  a StereoType though known to enjoy some Mono too. 
  15. croak

    Audeze refurbishment

    I think there  are a good few 4 and 5 series Hifiman users here, I am one too.  I have not heard of anyone locally actually having issues whereas your issue is number 3 or 4 incl my own.  The quoted repair for mine which would have been done locally (was not allowed to buy 1 only or fit drivers...
  16. croak

    Rel High level speakon cable question

    I make mine with the negative tied to the ring of an RCA plug.  This just about always works as that way you have signal ground.  Catch it at any unused RCA in or out on the amplifier chain.
  17. croak

    Audeze refurbishment

    On Audeze the cable unplugs and could just be swapped left right to determine/rule out driver or cable. Analogue by birth, digital by design. Mostly  a StereoType though known to enjoy some Mono too. 
  18. croak

    Audeze refurbishment

    I think Audeze may only help with two and they may want the originals back.  It?s an expensive exercise.  I had the same problem and I believe I know the cause but I destroyed my driver finding out how it works.  I think I would do better the second time.  There is a thread on my repair...
  19. croak

    4.4mm headphone jack - anyone ever encountered one?

    I could make you an HD800 balanced capable cable for a lot less but the HD800 connectors are the dearest of them all.  Quite a few folks actually prefer the sound of the Mogami copper cable over the very expensive sennheiser silver one. 