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  1. gLer

    Audeze headband upgrade

    Well done Drifter. The suspension strap should be (and now is) standard issue on all LCDs. I found mine unusable without it. I bought one for my LCD-3, and as Arie said above, the Lohb strap from my now-sold LCD-2F went to him via Wietsche (who also got the suspension strap for the LCD-2 I sold...
  2. gLer

    HD 6XX

    Don?t stress. The head-fi rabbit hole is deep and dark, and the deeper you go the poorer you become! You don?t *need* a collection of headphones, despite what others around here might tell you. And this forum is like a ghost town compared to where the real action is ( Bottom line, if...
  3. gLer

    The Stax Journey Has Begun!

    Yes, the dac would have some influence but the amp and headphones much more so. capetownwatches can comment on the dac setup he had rigged. As for bright vs detailed, let?s agree to disagree on that one. You can get plenty of detail without going anywhere near bright (a-la new driver LCD-3 and...
  4. gLer

    The Stax Journey Has Begun!

    Thanks capetownwatches for the listening time with your new stats yesterday. I can confirm that these phones are right up there on the value scale, considering they ship as a complete system with a very decent amp. I was also pleasantly surprised by the quality and comfort of the pads; these are...
  5. gLer

    The Stax Journey Has Begun!

    I hear you. I haven?t had upgraditis for a few months now and it really is liberating. Cost a bloody ransom to get there, but worth every penny. Still enjoy reading up on new gear and the ?state of the art?, but the shop is firmly closed. Now I get to play ?tweak the system? with pads and cables...
  6. gLer

    The Stax Journey Has Begun!

    At last the man is united with his long-lusted love. I know the feeling well - albeit not with stats - but the same principles apply. Grats again on the purchase and look forward to more impressions. Methinks many of those items in your sig will eventually find their way to the classifieds...
  7. gLer

    Sennheiser HD6XX

    Their pro-American (i.e. everything Schitt) bias is as obvious as their anti-Chinese vitriol. But I agree some of those guys know what they?re on about. Much easier to pick up useful advice from Head-Fi in my opinion, despite the greater signal to noise ratio. As for power being power, that...
  8. gLer

    Sennheiser HD6XX

    I suggest a more powerful setup for these, or else you won?t be getting the best from them. The HD6xx series is designed to scale with better source gear. I would steer away from any type of portable amp like the Fulla and at the very least get a Magni 3/Mimby combo if you insist on Schitt. Much...
  9. gLer

    New low price point for Electrostatics

    That does look interesting, although I wonder if it?s sinply not possible to design electrostats that don?t look like they?ve just come from a 70s fashion catalogue  :roll:
  10. gLer

    Stax SRS-2170 Inbound

    Well done, should be an interesting read...
  11. gLer

    Advice. Sundara or LCD 2

    Congrats, that?s a really good deal and a great pair of headphones! Just make sure they ship it with the new headband - all current LCDs have the new suspension headband as the old one has been discontinued. Make sure they honor that and don?t sell you old stock. Enjoy!
  12. gLer

    Advice. Sundara or LCD 2

    The LCD-2F is definitely a keeper and one of the best ?value? higher end headphones South African money can buy. Yes there are better headphones still, but you?ll be paying upward of R20k to get them. My advice is twofold: either get a pair with the new suspension headband (or Lohb strap), or...
  13. gLer

    Guide: Beyerdynamic DT770 Removable Cable modification

    Hats off to you Wietsche! We need more capable modders like you in the local community.
  14. gLer

    Need advice...Audeze Sine - or- Sennheiser HD599 - or- Shure 840

    For R3800 you can buy/import a superb set of in-ears that won?t require the level of amplification something like the Sine would need to sound half-decent. I wouldn?t run a Sine off my Mac. Local options are limited; check out the classifieds, Gumtree or Amazon.
  15. gLer

    Open Backed Headphones - Hifiman HE400I

    I think if you rate the sound quality of the M50X I would recommend expanding your headphone horizons a bit further. The 400i is definitely no yardstick either, but then we are talking about ?entry level? headphones here. You?ll get a significant jump up in quality when you start listening to...
  16. gLer

    Focal Clear in Cape Town

    Hey guys - does anyone here own (or know of someone who owns) a pair of Focal Clear headphones in Cape Town? Would very much appreciate you (or them) getting in touch with me or leaving me their details via PM. Many thanks!
  17. gLer

    Allo Katana (Raspberry Pi DAC/streamer): review in progress

    Very impressive Wietsche! Look forward to your impressions.
  18. gLer

    Apologies to all Head-fi enthusiasts.

    Hi - not to belittle your request but may I suggest you save up a little longer? You?re selling yourself short if R1500 is all you?re willing to spend. You might get something half decent, in the short term, but I?d say start at around the R2000 to R2500 mark for a good used pair of over ears...
  19. gLer

    Focal Elear

    When was this? Do you know if the demo unit is still available for sale?
  20. gLer

    Focal Elear

    I was always under the impression that the less I have to turn the volume pot, the more powerful the amp and therefore the better the sound. After reading a technical post by ifi (makers of the iDSD dac I use) that explains why 12-3 is the sweet spot for sound quality, I tried it myself...