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  1. P

    Load shedding and circuit breaker

    It's so fortunate for myself that my premises are close to the Red Cross Children's Hospital in Rondebosch where no such thing as load shedding exists. I cant believe my luck! When visiting, no friend can play me their latest LP purchase unless they have a substitute for the dismal failure of...
  2. P

    2 tickets for Nasty C

    I won 2 tickets for Nasty C's concert at Constitutional Hill, which I gather is in the Braamfontein area, not good for me as I reside in CT. See the detail on the net & pm your address for the postage thereof. 1st come could also be a winner if the artist is within your choice of Getting Out For...
  3. P

    Trading News

    Look here every one, there are other sites much more applicable in trading components, rather than in the Forums or Gumtree, it's probable that the Administrators will give a resounding Nod to a newly discovered site in trading components, more of that a bit later.
  4. P

    The FINAL cable thread

    We do differ LoiusF, a complement to another fellow members posting of a video of a super star is appreciated, as I have never followed Alanis's musicality, I appreciate the the vision of a fabulous singer who I digress I knew little off. It will be your prerogative to question Alalas's...
  5. P

    The FINAL cable thread

    The cable issue will never go unresolved in this forum, which conversation are you wishing to gather in knowledge of the expense of a fabulous sounding Hi Fi system? Didn't anybody spend a bit more on cables in accommodation of a system that they love? Do 2 pronged flexwire accommodate your...
  6. P

    People just don?t understand

    Congratulations Jason! 25% off for an easy fix is a great deal for those MA's. Now about painting, never utilise a pvc drop sheet of 'any colour', cloth is less indusive to slipping upon or sliding away from the painting area, 'Prominently' when this alcohol mentioned is personally consumed...
  7. P

    The FINAL cable thread

    Nice video! Never knew Alanis was so stunningly delectable.
  8. P

    Repairman Wessel in Table View tel no?

    Took a drive to Wessel's location, he still resides on the same premises.
  9. P

    Repairman Wessel in Table View tel no?

    Hi Guys, yes, Wessel really can talk! so why he never answers his cellphone is a mystery. Took an item for repair too him months ago, currently he seems off the map, did mention that he had to vacate his premises in Park Lane at that time. Anybody aware of if he has moved & to where...
  10. P

    Seiko watch

    You could try either of these Mongoose. Trevor's Time in Meadowridge 021 7121200 or for more complicated issues Max Lengner 021 7127584. I got those recommended by Chrisc in 2016, Max would probably be the better. I used neither though, having my had my repair done out of town on holiday. As...
  11. P

    Car mount for Ipad

    If you are considering a windscreen mount look at the offer at Crazy Store, brilliant at just R99. I got one and am delighted after seeing much the same at close to R400. It will not stick to a plastic dash though.
  12. P

    Cleaning records

    Good idea Drifter.
  13. P

    Cleaning records

  14. P

    Cleaning records

    Once again a failed attempt at humour by myself (Jik & carper cleaner) Stand by the water, nail brush & Sunlight wash though. Hired thousands of records from Darryl & Abdie at the Rondebosch Record Library, many of those Lp's miss treated by those irresponsible or who could not care less. One...
  15. P

    Cleaning records

    Jik? Carpet cleaning solution? Sunlight liquid, cool water & a nail brush worked for me. Take note of JonnyP's educated suggestion of not drying the discs in the Sun, Drifter.
  16. P

    Are CDs dead?

    Currently for me is the salvation of having CD's to play when JRiver indicates that media player is not working, when the latter was functioning musicality was fabulously convenient though. Never imagined that I would have to Go Back.
  17. P

    Anyone have Karma - Papercuts in their CD collection?

    If you would consider importing Johnny, CDBaby has this @R210. Discogs has 2 copies @ R304. I did order 'Symphonic Bossa Nova' by Etora Stratta through Discogs, foolishly giving instructions to deliver via Post Office, that was 5 weeks ago. Great music by Papercuts, listened on the net.
  18. P

    Recovering cover art on a HD

    Thanks for the detail Naughty, have'nt gotten to try an suggestions as yet.
  19. P

    tv series

    Thank you naughty.
  20. P

    Recovering cover art on a HD

    Thanks to all, will let you know how it went later this week, kind regards.