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  1. dingeth

    So what is your 2020 AV / HiFi upgrade plans?

    Plans for the new year is to just enjoy the music and branch out to try new genres and appreciate different types of music. Aaaaaand if funds allow, get a nice dynamic headphone to compliment the planars in my stable :)
  2. dingeth

    Recommend a good inexpensive amp for the Hifiman 4XX?

    I can second the iFi as per recommendation above. I've got the silver version (same 4W/Ch output) and I can attest to the fact that it really is a great little (trans)portable amp. Takes my LCD2C's to another level so I would expect the 4xx to perform similarly well as they're both planars. And...
  3. dingeth

    Massdrop Airist R2R dac

    I see, thanks for the info. Been seeing a few AGD's for sale, so it's good to get impressions from someone that's owned one.
  4. dingeth

    Massdrop Airist R2R dac

    Seems like you've found yourself a winner. How would you describe the differences between the airist and the Audio-Gd R2R seeing as they both employ similar technology?
  5. dingeth

    Audeze announces compact LCD-1

    That headband looks like it's taken from a focal elex
  6. dingeth

    Massdrop Airist R2R dac

    Interesting impressions. With regard the "poor measurements" I'm assuming that this relates Amir's review on ASR. I'll be honest in saying that the review did in fact make me doubt the "real-life" performance of the unit. But as others have mentioned, numbers only tell half the story and I'm...
  7. dingeth

    Audeze announces compact LCD-1

    I've seen the sound review from Metal571, who gave it quite a glowing review. Seems similar in size to the Mobius gaming headset.I wonder if there are plans to release a version with the cipher cable, that would be interesting.
  8. dingeth

    Recommend a good inexpensive amp for the Hifiman 4XX?

    It's funny how (Mass)drop advertises these as super efficient and able to be driven well from your smartphone! I nearly pulled the trigger on these so many times myself... BTW, I see these are now going for $130 on Drop. That's a bargain...
  9. dingeth

    Best DAC upgrade choice

    I've been using Tidal for around a year, and the sound quality is fantastic. I've got a lowly 4mb line as the ADSL in my area is horrible, but for my use case it's perfectly fine because i download the FLAC files to my iPhone in the highest quality using the tidal app, so that I don't have to...
  10. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Wow, that's an amazing offer thanks!! Will def take you up on that one. P.S I'm none of the above although I do interact with politicians in the course of my work so I can totally understand your stance haha
  11. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Hi yea it's interesting when it comes to terminology in audiophile circles. As 90% of this hobby is subjective the term mid-fi means different things to different folks, at least that's what I gather from scouring various forums. For what it's worth I know the guys on audiosciencereview swear...
  12. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Thanks for the advice, I totally get what you're saying. Will try to come up with a plan in the next few days (that may or may not involve a diet of toast and butter for the next month or so) to do justice to these cans. My thoughts echo your own regarding the tubes for now. In due time....
  13. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Thanks for the heads up, that's three recommendations now for the Deckard... I had actually thought tubes were more recommended for Dynamic drivers like the Sennheiser 6xx range. P.S I'm assuming the terms valve and tube are interchangeable and refer to the same type of amp?
  14. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    I really just chose it coz it was one of the options when editing my profile lol
  15. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    I've seen (and very much desire) the Deckard thats for sale on Carbonite, but it's out of my budget right now. Funny enough I just bought an X2 from that same seller a few weeks ago (for gaming), prior to the LCD. I'll touch base with him to see if a deal can be reached. To answer your earlier...
  16. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    I was a big fan back in high school (I still am  ;D). Don't judge lol
  17. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    How would you describe the sound of the LCD's with a valve amp?
  18. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Haven't really considered valve amps to be honest, as I'd first like to hear the headphones properly driven so that I can decide if  the stock sound signature matches what I'm after, before exploring valve amps and tube rolling etc., It's definitely on my to-do list so to speak and something I...
  19. dingeth

    Headphone amp advice

    Hi all So I decided to splurge on a set of open-back headphones (thanks Tax Returns  ;D) that I've been eyeing for a while now, being the Audeze LCD2C's. Got them used for a nice price and still in great condition. From my research conducted on the usual forums (Head-fi, SBAF, etc.,) it's a...
  20. dingeth

    FiiO Q5 Wireless DAC Availabilty SA

    I was lucky enough to get a showroom unit a few months ago from CPlan, really awesome little device. The updated version will probably be in stock soon, so maybe hold out for once of those (Q5s I believe it's called)