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  1. Tobes

    Pathos Kratos

    Sooooo....I took the plunge and ordered a Pathos Kratos to pair with my AAdac and Franco Serblin Accordo's.... Can't wait for it to arrive, so excited  :Whoohoo:
  2. Tobes

    What does a good DAC look like

    Have you read the review on the AADac? "that what this DAC delivers is a very 'analogue' sound ? and a very pleasing one at that."
  3. Tobes

    What does a good DAC look like

    It's still not an Audio Analogue and I wanted an Italian DAC for a full Italian setup, not a Chinese one  :roll: You also don't know how much I paid for it.... :whistler:
  4. Tobes

    What does a good DAC look like

    I recently bought this Swiss army knife The DAC space is really interesting now! Seems like Audio Analogue has played their magic with this Dac. I was waiting on the side for press review of the DAC and think this is the 1st review and not only a write up...
  5. Tobes

    Toe in on Front Speakers

    I also eyeball them and after that I measure each corner from rear wall. Inside rear corners the same and ouside ones the same.
  6. Tobes

    Toe in on Front Speakers

    Distance from the speakers will determine the degrees if you want for eg the tweeters pointing at your ears. I always toe them in such a way that you can just see the inside of each speaker from your seating position. This was actually a recommendation on a Stereophile review I read long ago...
  7. Tobes

    Technics turntable - worth it?

    The idea was to send it to someone for a clean-up, service, setup, etc. That's why I want to know if it's worth the expense and effort. Courier alone will probably be R300-R500 there and back, then the labour to clean, service and parts replacement, maybe even a new cart. I don't know if this...
  8. Tobes

    Technics turntable - worth it?

    It's standing in the garage, only got it
  9. Tobes

    What are the best bookshelf speakers you have heard?

    My Franco Serblin Accordo's I got yesterday  :point:
  10. Tobes

    Technics turntable - worth it?

    I got this TT and wondered if it's worth getting it fixed up and serviced? The drive belt is gone. I'm not a big Technics fan, so change my Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
  11. Tobes

    Bentley FR100 VS Kef LS50

    Yeah that was me, I never owned LS50's before.
  12. Tobes

    Bentley FR100 VS Kef LS50

    Nope that wasn't me? But I did listen to the LS50's once in a audio shop and they sounded very good
  13. Tobes

    Bentley FR100 VS Kef LS50

    Like the AE Radiance that is advertised  :whistler:
  14. Tobes

    Bargain speakers that have amazed you ?

    I like the look of these  :thumbs:
  15. Tobes

    Bargain speakers that have amazed you ?

    You referring to these?
  16. Tobes

    Bargain speakers that have amazed you ?

    My Acoustic Energy AE109. Got them for a bargain in great condition. They still do it right even at 22 years old already. Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
  17. Tobes

    Monitor Audio Bronze 2 price

    Thanks Judy
  18. Tobes

    Monitor Audio Bronze 2 price

    I saw on Facebook someone mentioned that the Bronze 2 clears for R3370 or something due to the new range being released. Most places I saw sold them for around R6700 and most are sold out. Can someone confirm if the price is in fact around R3370?
  19. Tobes

    Monitor Audio Gold finish

    Ok not sure who the question was for  :giggle:
  20. Tobes

    Monitor Audio Gold finish

    For the moment a Yamaha AVR, but the plan is to add a pre and power combo in near future to do them justice